yy Faculty Senate Minutes, 7 September 1999 Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

September 7, 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. in Chryst 210. All departments were represented. Student President Senate Thomas Baker and Vice President Jennifer Potson attended. Two student journalists were also present.

The minutes of the meeting on June 15 were approved.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg welcomed returning senators and newly elected senators. He announced that copies of the Parliamentary Procedures booklet were available.
  2. Chairperson Piperberg welcomed Carol Phillips as the new Associate Provost.
  3. Senators were reminded that they should continue to submit lengthy Faculty Emeritus resolutions along with the shorter version requested last year by Provost McNairy. The latter version is submitted to the Council of Trustees for their approval. Chairperson Piperberg will distribute the suggested format for the shorter version via e-mail.
  4. Chairperson Piperberg announced that R. Glenn (Political Science) will continue as Senate Parliamentarian.
  5. Chairperson Piperberg also announced that he would continue to represent the Senate as an advisor to the Council of Trustees, a member of the Commencement Committee and on SPARC. The Development Committee, the Administrative Computing Advisory Committee and the Academic Computing Advisory Committee no longer exist in their previous form due to restructuring and thus the Chair is no longer required to appoint Senate representatives to those Committees.
  6. Committee vacancies (see attachment)

Report of the Student Senate President

President Baker announced that the first meeting of the Student Senate would be held on Thursday, September 8. Two major events are planned for the Fall Semester. 1. MU Dialogue on Race will be held on October 4 and 2. MU Pride Day is scheduled for October 27. President Baker said that freshman elections were taking place. He had spoken at the freshman convocation and this semester will be writing a weekly column in The Snapper.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization No report

Reports of Administrative Officers

Provost Francine McNairy Welcomed faculty. She reiterated remarks made at Fall Convocation with regard to Scholarship Celebrations that honor faculty. She encouraged faculty to engage in discussions regarding the Honors College (see attachment).

Millersville enjoys the distinction of being the most competitive of the 14 State System Universities and the Administration hopes to maintain this competitive edge in attracting outstanding students to the University. This year, recommendations with regard to recruitment and admissions will be implemented to enhance the quality. Faculty will have a key role to play in discussions of the manner in which the ability of the University to attract students is enhanced. Efforts are also being made to increase scholarship support.

Associate Provost Stager Dr. Stager said that the process of implementing Banner continues. The degree audit is being converted to Banner. This year voice registration will be implemented (Spring). Students will be able to obtain their grades using this system. This system will be followed by Web Registration in the Fall.

In reply to a question about whether the new system would reduce the role of advisors, Dr. Stager said he hoped it would not, since he considers advisement to be extremely important.

Associate Provost Phillips said she would be working with Academic Advisement on the new equipment.

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Honors Committee Chairperson Warmkessel said that two applications had been received for the Director of the Honors Program position. Provost McNairy has appointed Dr. Steve Miller (Department of English) as the new Director. She drew senators' attention to the series of discussions about the Honors College and encouraged faculty to participate. (see attachment)

UCPRC No report.

Faculty Emeritus An M. Warmkessel/S. Luek motion to recommend Librarianship Emeritus status for Professor Robert Coley was passed by the Senate.

Elections The Senate proceeded to committee elections. Chairperson Piperberg distributed ballots and will announce the results when these are available. Nominations for unfilled committee seats may continue until the first meeting in October and reopened as required thereafter. Elections for the Honorary Degree Committee and for the nonschool position on UCPRC were deferred until the next meeting.

A D. Hutchens motion to elect the nominees in uncontested elections was passed.

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Jane Alden

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