Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

November 2, 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. in Chryst 2 10. All Departments were represented except Counseling & Human Development and Developmental Studies. Also present were Thomas Baker, President of the Student Senate and student journalist, Brooke Goldman.

The Minutes of the meeting on October 19, 1999 were approved.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg announced that Dr. Zhoude Shao (Math) will replace Dr. R. France as chairperson of the Academic Policies Committee. The position will last until next year. Also, Dr. Elizabeth Thyrum (Psychology) was elected to the General Education Review Committee to replace Fred Foster-Clark who was elected Chairperson of that committee.

  2. Chairperson Piperberg said there had been some concerns about some of the language in the Distance Learning Approval Process and reminded Senators that this was the language approved at the April 1999 meeting. A meeting will be held to clear up these concerns. He will report back to the Senate the results of that meeting as soon as possible.

  3. Chairperson Piperberg said that Agenda item XII -- Discussion of the proposal to direct the Graduate Course and Program Review Committee to consider the Gradebook Retention Policy - will be delayed until the return of committee chair, R. Kerper.

  4. Chairperson Piperberg called for volunteers to record the Senate Minutes on November 16, 1999 in the absence of the secretary.

Report of the Student Senate President

President Baker said that MU Pride Day had been successful, as had the Dialogue on Race held recently on Campus.

Report of the Graduate Student Association No Report

Reports of Administrative Officers

Associate Provost Stager No report

Acting Associate Provost Phillips Dr. Phillips said that the green advisement sheet had been revised for the purposes of clarity and would be distributed shortly.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chairperson R. Wismer presented the following proposals:

Honors Program Committee

Chairperson M. Warmkessel said that the committee would be presenting ideas (for information purposes) to the Senate in the process of transforming the program into an honors college. Changes in the program are not being considered at present. (see attachment A, attachment B, attachment C, attachment D, and attachment E)

Faculty Emeritus None

Reports of Faculty Senate Special Committees No reports

Proposed Courses and Programs

The Senate approved the following Course Proposals/Changes

Election: Chairperson, African-American Studies Curriculum Committee

Chairperson Piperberg said no nominations had been received for this position. He would be contacting faculty in pursuit of nominees.

Proposal to indefinitely postpone implementation of Phase 11 General Education Revision Plan. On a S/Luek/C. Desmond motion, the Senate agreed to postpone implementation of the Phase 11 General Education Revision Plan until there are more specific suggestions as to what action should be taken. On a D. Eidam/B. Dorman motion the word "indefinitely" was deleted from the original proposal.

Other/New Business In response to a question about how long a delay was necessary before submitting proposals to grant Emeritus Status to regular part time faculty (a proposal approved at the Oct 19 meeting of the Senate), Chairperson Piperberg said he would contact Provost McNairy. He suggested that any such proposals could be prepared.

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Alden

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