Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

November 16, 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m. in Chryst 210. All departments were represented except Business Administration, Foreign Languages, Music, and Philosophy. Also present were Thomas Baker, President of the Student Senate, and Jen Potson, Vice President of the Student Senate.

The minutes of the meeting on November 02, 1999 were approved. The minutes of the meeting on October 19, 1999 were corrected. Under the "Proposed Courses and Programs" item, the course number for THEA 212 is to be changed to THEA 120 not THEA 220 as recorded in the original minutes. This correction was approved.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg announced that leadership of the Faculty Senate, APSCUF, and University Administrative Officers met to discuss the Distance Learning Course Approval Process, and new language regarding the role of the New Media Design Team (see attachment).
  2. Chairperson Piperberg announced that he has encouraged APSCUF leadership to attend the Faculty Senate meetings so they are aware of issues pertaining to APSCUF members and policies.
  3. Chairperson Piperberg reported that he will distribute Senate committee membership lists at the next meeting.
  4. Chairperson Piperberg thanked Senator Becky Mowrey, HPE for agreeing to serve as Acting Senate Secretary for the meeting today.

Report of the Student Senate President

President Baker reported that he had participated in a joint meeting of the S SHE Student Senate Presidents and that Millersville Student Government leaders will be speaking to Centerville Middle School students on November 17, 1999 about the role of student government. President Baker also announced that the Dialogue on Race Phase 11 will be held on November 16, 1999 and that he and campus representatives appeared on a "World Apart" as part of the Dialogue on Race.

Report of the Graduate Student Association No Report

Reports of Administrative Officers

Provost McNairy. Dr. McNairy announced that the next open house for prospective students is scheduled for Saturday, November 20, 1999, with a high number of participants expected. She also reported that a committee is being formed to examine what is being done and what can be done to connect freshman students with positive academic experiences.

Associate Provost Stager. Dr. Stager requested that the following curricular policy clarification be included in the minutes:

Academic advisors, please note that students cannot use a course in the major department with a G1, G2, or G3 label as a general education elective in the G4 Block. This restriction applies even if the course is not used to satisfy major requirements. For example, Math 160 is a G2 course but does not count towards the math major and may not be used by math majors in the G4 elective block. However, a perspectives course in the major department may be used as the G4 elective as long as it is not also used to satisfy a major requirement.

Dr. Stager reported that a draft of the Policy for the Responsible Use of Electronic Resources is being dispersed across campus for comments. Chairperson Piperberg will distribute this document to faculty senators for input.

Acting Associate Provost Phillips. Dr. Phillips thanked those who have volunteered to advise students going through the registration process, and asked for additional volunteers to advise students at the time of registration. She requests that individuals contact her or Dr. Paul Specht with suggestions for resources that will be helpful for academic advisors.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chairperson R. Wismer presented the following proposals:

Honors Program Committee Chairperson M. Warmkessel encourages comments on the committee's proposal "Talking Paper: Establishing an Honors College at Millersville University".

Proposed Courses and Programs
The Senate approved the following Course Proposal s/Changes

A brief discussion took place dealing with prerequisites for courses that are difficult to enforce. Examples would be a requirement for two years of high school algebra or one year of high school chemistry.

Faculty Emeritus
The Senate passed a Casselberry/Warmkessel motion recommending the title of Assistant Professor of Anthropology Emeritus for Dr. June L. Evans
(see attachment)

Election of the Chairperson of the African-American Studies Curriculum Committee
The Senate approved the Yelagotes/Desmond motion instructing the Secretary to cast a unanimous vote for Dr. Beverly Skinner as the chair of the African-American Studies Curriculum Committee.

Gradebook Retention Polic
Senate passed an Eidam/Lynch motion directing the Graduate Course and Program Review Committee to review the Gradebook Retention Policy.

Other/New Business Vice Chairperson M. Rosenthal reported that the recently revised and distributed "green sheets" incorrectly indicate 45 credits rather than 60 credits needed for students to enroll in advanced writing courses.

The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca J. Mowrey,
Acting Secretary

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