Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

December 7, 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. in Chryst 2 10. All Departments were represented except Communications and Theater. Also present were Thomas Baker, President of the Student Senate, and Jen Potson, Vice President of the Student Senate.

The minutes of the meeting on November 16 were approved. An amendment was made to the minutes of November 2. Dr. Zhoude Shao was elected as a member of the Academic Policies Committee, not as committee chair.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg announced that elections for officers of the Senate - Chairperson, Chairperson Pro-Tem and Secretary - will take place at the first meeting in the Spring.
  2. Chairperson Piperberg said that if any Senators had issues that needed to be discussed to raise these at Senate.
  3. Chairperson Piperberg thanked Rebecca Mowrey for acting as Secretary at the November 16 meeting.

Report of the Student Senate President

President Baker reported that the Student Senate had enjoyed a busy Fall Semester. Eight members will attend a leadership conference at Texas A & M. University The Student Senate will also announce the MU Person of the Year award in the categories of faculty, staff and student winners.

Vice President Potson said that the Student Senate Allocations meeting was being held December 7 and that organization presidents had been notified. One of the largest changes is that organizations will be required to present one on-campus weekend activity to qualify for allocations. Allocations forins will be due by February 11.

Report of Graduate Student Organization No report.

Reports of Administrative Officers

Provost Francine McNairy No report

Associate Provost Stager Dr. Stager reported that the software necessary to run student audits had arrived from Miami University (Ohio) and that the university is still on target to have this available early in the next semester. Students will be able to obtain audits directly from the web. As yet, faculty will not be able to do so. Students will also be able to obtain grades for this semester via the telephone system.

Acting Associate Provost Phillips. Dr. Phillips said that students would receive mail out instructions to enable them to access grades after December 27. When students register by telephone they will have 15 minutes in which to complete the registration process. Advisement will take on a whole new role and faculty advisors will have to spend time talking with students so that when they register by telephone they are prepared to do so. Dr. Phillips invited faculty to contact the administration for any necessary assistance in the advisement process.

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chairperson R. Wismer presented the following proposals:

Dr. Stager raised a question with regard to the numbering of this course, pointing out that some departments reserve 499 for honors. R.Wismer said he would check with the Music Dept. with regard to the numbering of the course.

Proposed Courses and Programs The following courses were approved:

Faculty Emeritus

On an L. Marquez/G.Yelagotes proposal Dr.William M. Jordan (Department of Earth Sciences) was recommended for Faculty Emeritus Status.


On a D.Eidam/R.Wismer motion, the secretary was instructed to cast a ballot in favor of J. Fenwick (Math) to serve as Chair of the UCPRC during the sabbatical absence of Chairperson Wismer.

On a G.Yelagotes/A. Borger-Greco motion, the secretary was instructed to cast a ballot in favor of D.Ullrich for the non-school seat on the General Education Review Committee.

Other/New Business

M. Rosenthal (English) raised the question of whether an honor code should be implemented for students. This item will be placed on the Agenda for the first meeting of the Faculty Senate in February.

J. Lynch encouraged faculty members to contact Counseling if they find students in need of assistance following the recent on-campus suicide.

The meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Alden

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