Millersville University

This cover page must be attached to all copies of the proposal through all approval stages.

Course Title: Symbolic Computational Methods in Physics
Course Number: PHYS 345 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 233; COREQ: PHYS 311 and MATH 365
Proposer: Dr. Zenaida E. S. Uy Phone: 3635 Department: Physics

Status of Course: [X] existing non-GenEd course [ ] existng GenEd course [ ] new course

List major(s), minor(s), option(s), etc., if any, for which this course is required or will be required:


General Edugation Labels if any, for which approval is requested
[ ] G1 [ ] G2 [ ] G3 [ ] C [ ] Q [ ] L [ ] W [ ] QARC [ ] P [ ] AW [ ] HPE

Course Scheduling:

Semester offered as experimental course, if any: [ ] Fall 1999 [ ] Spring 199_ [ ] ____199_

Semester to be first offered if approved: [X] Fall 1999 [ ] Spring 199_ [ ] ____199_
If retroactive approval is requested, provide course numbers and semesters:


The Physics Departnent would like to convert a successful topics course into a regular course offering. This course had been offered before as PHYS 497: Topics in Modern Physics during the fall of 1995, 1996, and 1997.

Anticipated number of sections per year = 0.5 (offered in fall semester of odd years)

Approval Log:

+ If proposal was amended before approval, check this column.