Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

1 February 2000

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. in Chryst 210. All departments were represented except Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Business Administration, Chemistry, Counseling and Human Development, Developmental Studies, and Special Education.

The minutes of the meeting on December 7 were approved after several corrections were noted. The BFA major was introduced by the UCPRC. The Political Science courses listed in the December 7 minutes were approved as part of the revised BA curriculum for Political Science. The correct title for PS231 is Classics in Political Science. The History of Economic Thought course and the corresponding Honors course approved on December 7, 1999 were listed as HIST 365 and HIST 365H should be ECON 365 and ECON 365H.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

The following departments are scheduled for a Senate election between April 1 and May 31, as stipulated in the governance manual: Art, Biology, Communications and Theater, Counseling and Human Development, Ed Foundations, Elementary Education, English, Geography, Industrial Technology, Library, and Sociology/Anthropology.

Jane Alden was thanked for her excellent 2+ years of service as secretary for Faculty Senate. Carol Heintzelman was thanked for being the recorder for today's meeting. Jennifer Miller has agreed to do the Minutes for the remainder of the semester and was thanked as well.

Annual reports are due from Committees at the May Meeting. Chairperson Piperberg will send Committee Chairs a sample format soon.

The June meeting of Faculty Senate will be held on June 13 at 3p.m. at a site to be determined later. It will probably be in McComsey Hall in Myers Auditorium.

M. Warmkessel will be wearing two hats this semester. She'll be the Library Senator and the APSCUF delegate to Senate. She will continue in that role next year as well. Chairperson Piperberg will be meeting with S. Centola at least once a month to keep in touch with him on issues of concern for the Senate and APSCUF.

M. Warmkessel noted that minutes on the Senate Web Page should be up-to-date in a couple of weeks.

The Department of Health and Physical Education has brought a proposal to change the name of the department to Wellness and Sport Sciences. Senators are asked to take this matter back to their departments for consideration. The Senate will vote on this matter at its next meeting on February 15 and the secretary was directed to place the item on the agenda for that meeting.

Report of the Student Senate President. No report.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization. No report.

Reports of Administrative Officers

President Joseph Caputo. Dr. Caputo noted that the Governor has asked SSHE to review their proposed agenda in regard to science and technology. This, in turn, has impacts for fund raising, bonds, etc. at MU. The MU Board of Trustees has reviewed our plans in this area and supports them,

Provost Francine McNairy. Dr. McNairy noted that on Saturday, February 5, the 3rd Open House will be held. The weather is promising. A special luncheon will be held for potential honors students. Faculty are encouraged to participate in phonathons/regional meetings in conjunction with Admissions Offices activities.

Associate Provost Stager. Dr. Stager reported that the Voice Response System for reporting fall semester grades was successful. Volunteers are needed to test the new registration system. This will done February 7, 10-12 and 1-4. The new degree audit system will be available on line in March.

Acting Associate Provost Phillips. Dr. Phillips reported that the Voice Registration advising process will require the participation of all faculty. On February 28, Department Chairs will receive an orientation to the system and a workshop will be held for the faculty in each school. Student sessions are also being planned. Registration materials will be mailed out in March. Graduate students begin registering April 3 and undergraduates register beginning April 17 (3 weeks, 20 minutes access).

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Acting Chairperson J. Fenwick noted that they will be reviewing two proposals next Tuesday and that he has just received two additional ones.

Proposed Courses and Programs All of the following were approved:


On a R. Mowery/C. Desmond motion, I Piperberg was nominated for Chairperson. S. Luek/G. Yealgotes moved to close nominations. S. Luek/A. Borger-Greco moved to direct the secretary to cast an unanimous ballot. All motions carried.

On a S. Luek/G. Yelagotes motion, M. Rosenthal was nominated for Vice-Chairperson. A. Borger-Greco/G. Yelagotes moved to close nominations, as well as moving to direct the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot. All motions carried.

On a C. Heintzelman/R. Mowery motion, J. Miller was nominated for Secretary. S.Luek/M. Rosenthal moved to close nominations as well as moving to direct the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot. All motions carried.

Nominations for Chairperson of the University Honors Committee were delayed until the next Faculty Senate meeting.

A number of vacancies exist on Senate Committees and volunteers are needed. J. Piperberg will notify senators of the specific vacancies via e-mail.

Honor Code for Students. J.Craven (English) made a brief presentation regarding the need for an Honor Code, encompassing the following parts: (1) Pledge; (2) Student Court; (3) Unproctored exams; and (4) Students report instances of cheating. G.Yelagotes/K. Madden moved to refer this to the Academic Policies Committee. R. Mowery requested a specific charge to the Committee. G. Yelagotes/K. Madden withdrew their motion. Chairperson Piperberg will present at the next Faculty Senate meeting the procedures to follow regarding the charge, deadline, etc.

Other/New Business. B. Dorman asked that a co-op issue affecting the Communications/Theatre Department be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Faculty Senate.

The meeting adjourned at 5:35p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol A. Heintzelman

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