
Meeting of the Faculty Senate

February 15, 2000

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. in Chryst 210. All departments were represented with the exception of the following: Developmental Studies, Special Education, Chemistry, Communication and Theatre, and Graduate Studies.

The Minutes from the previous meeting on February 1, 2000 are due for approval at the beginning of next scheduled meeting on March 7, 2000 as faculty had just received those Minutes at the February 15, 2000 meeting. Chairperson Piperberg added that along with the February 1, 2000 Minutes was an attachment dealing with the proposed name change for Health and Physical Education department which was to be part of the agenda for the current meeting.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Carol Heintzelman was thanked for recording the February 1, 2000 meeting. Jennifer Miller was officially introduced as Faculty Senate Secretary for Spring semester 2000 through Spring semester 2001.

Chairperson Piperberg reminded the Senate that it would not meet again until March 7, 2000 given the precarious five week month of February.


Chairperson Piperberg announced that he had been notified by e-mail that there were some additions to the Minutes from the previous meeting which had since been corrected in the main body of the Minutes. First, the list he initially consulted to determine the departments scheduled to hold senate elections in April 2000 was missing one department -- Communication and Theatre. The complete list is therefore Art, Biology, Communication and Theatre, Counseling and Human Development, Ed Foundations, Elementary Education, English, Geography, Industrial Technology and Library. Also there was a correction to the 12/7 Minutes to which Chairperson Piperberg drew attention; the courses numbered HIST 365 and HIST 365H should be ECON 365 and ECON 365H.

The speaker for the May commencement is going to be Judy Woodruff, the newscaster. Faculty were urged to attend the ceremony and likewise encourage their colleagues to attend.

Chairperson Piperberg also placed on the table the up-to-date committee roster showing current members and vacancies. If senate members had nominees in mind, he requested that he be notified so that he could put an election on the agenda. The current vacancies are 1 Social Science seat on Academic Policies (not Economics) -- Term ending Fall 2001. 1 Alternate on the International Studies Selection Committee. 1 Social Sciences seat on the Gen Ed Review Committee (not History) -- Term ending Fall 2000. 1 Social Sciences seat on UCPRC (not History) -- Term ending Fall 2001.

Administrative Approvals: Chairperson Piperberg announced the receipt of the following approvals that afternoon: (1) The proposal that students on probation may not pre-register or register for winter and/or summer pre-sessions unless they have permission of their academic advisor or his/her designee. has been approved effective Fall 2000. (2) THEA 220 Advanced Lighting and Sound, approved effective Fall 2000. (3) The use of standard grades for Co-op/Internship courses in Sociology or Anthropology instead of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades, approved effective fall 2000. (4) Change in prerequisites for COMM 403 to COMM 100 and COMM 301 or written permission of the instructor, approved effective Fall 2000. (5) The change in course number of THEA 212 to THEA 120 has been approved effective Fall 2000. (6) ENGL 329 -- Practical Journalism and ENGL 330 -- Computer Assisted Journalism have both been approved effective Fall 2000. (7) The addition of a Prerequisite of Math Placement Testing/Evaluation for Math 104 -- Fundamentals of Mathematics I has been approved effective Fall 2000. (8) The change in prerequisites for MATH 160 -- Pre calculus to Math Placement Testing/Evaluation and either two years of high school algebra, one year of high school geometry/trigonometry or a grade of C- or better in both MATH 101 and MATH 110 has been approved for Fall 2000 with the comment that the prerequisite is not enforceable in an automated registration system. (9) The addition of G3 designation to ECON 365 -- History of Economic Thought and ECON 365H -- History of Economic Thought (Honors) approved effective retroactive to Fall 1999. (10) The changes to the BA in Political Science have been approved effective retroactive to Fall 1999.

Report of the Student Senate President

The Student Senate President made the following announcements: (1) The third phase of the "Dialogue on Race" would be held February 15, 2000 at 7:30. COSGA: (2) Student Senate is sending 8 representatives to Texas on February 26--29, 2000. (3) Allocations: Committee meets every Sunday 12:00-6:00 p.m. It was recently agreed that student organizations should do at least one activity over the weekend every semester. (4) The Student Senate President announced the upcoming dance marathon February 18--19 for The Children's' Miracle Network. (5) Student Senate is scheduled to attend a tour of the State Capital March 6, 2000.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President

No Report

Report of the Administrative Officers

President Caputo made the following announcements: (1) At the State of the Commonwealth address, the Governor spoke little on the topic of Higher Education although he had elsewhere addressed the question of how much funding would be provided. It was estimated that 3% above the previous budget would be allotted for spending with special emphasis on science and technology and the need for improved resources. (2) There have recently been House hearings held concerning the graduation rates. It was estimated that Millersville graduates 65 - 70% of its students. There are more hearings to come on the issue of four year graduation rates. (3) President Caputo communicated that an early budget approval was expected this Spring for State funding of Higher Education.

Associate Provost Stager and Acting Associate Provost Phillips discussed the implementation of the telephone registration and degree audit system. A public demonstration is due to be conducted on March 6, 2000. There was a question concerning how advisors would ensure that students had come for advising prior to phone registration. It was responded that at that point, faculty advisors will have veto power over a student's schedule. If the advisor deems any of the courses unsuitable for a particular student, they will be able to cancel the student's registration for that course. It was recomended, however, that a better strategy might be to call such a student in for advising to discuss the schedule prior to cancelling the schedule. It was pointed out that at most schools nationwide, advisement is not mandatory.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Standing Committees

UCPRC Acting Chairperson Fenwick reported that three proposals had successfully passed the committee (to be put on Senate agenda in the future) and that more were expected to be taken under consideration at the next meeting scheduled February 29, 2000.

Proposed Course and Programs


Faculty Emeritus



Chairperson Piperberg announced the opening for Chairperson of the Honors Program Committee. Nominations were encouraged, but as yet none have been made. It was left as a future agenda item.

Department of Health and Physical Education Name Change

Having previously reviewed the proposal at an earlier meeting, there was a vote which resulted in the unanimous decision to change the department's name from Health and Physical Education to Wellness and Sport Sciences which S. Kabacinski (Chairperson) had argued, more properly reflected the nature of the department. There followed a brief discussion regarding procedures to change the name of a given department. In response to this inquiry, Associate Provost Stager said that first the proposal must undergo departmental review, then that of the appropriate Dean, Senate, and finally the Provost.

CO-operative Education Committee Proposals


Honor Code for Students: Discussion about Ad Hoc Committee

Chairperson Piperberg articulated the "charge" of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee as well as its composition. The committee is directed to investigate the feasibility and advisability of the introduction of an Honor Code at Millersville University and make a recommendation as to whether or not an Honor Code should be introduced. This analysis, Chairperson Piperberg suggested, should include a consideration of the present policy on Academic Dishonesty and whether or not it is efficient in its purpose. He recommended that there be equal representation from the 4 school divisions and 1 from Non-School as follows: 2 members from each area and 1 Non-School member. 2 undergraduates and 2 graduate students, 2 people from administration, and 1 or 2 people from GCPRC. The Chairperson should be a member of Faculty Senate either elected or appointed. Time line: that a preliminary report be delivered by Fall 2000, and that by Spring 2001 there should be a recommendation.

Chairperson Piperberg's proposal (see attachment) to create the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee along with its suggested composition was moved and seconded. An amendment to the proposal that suggested the addition of representation from the Academic Policies Committee was moved and seconded. The amendment passed unanimously. Another amendment specifying election of the Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee from the Senate membership as opposed to possible appointment of the Chair by the Faculty Senate Chairperson (which had been suggested as an alternative) was moved and seconded. This amendment also passed unanimously. The twice-amended proposal to create the Ad Hoc Honor Code Commmittee along with its proposed structure was passed unanimously. Next, the proposed charge to the Committee (see attachment) was moved and seconded. The motion passed unanimously. It was suggested that members of the Academic Policies Committee and the Graduate Course and program Review Committee not be appointed to the Committee until after the elected positions were filled. If members of these two committees were not elected to the Committee, they would then be appointed. This would keep the size of the Committee as manageable as possible. Elections for the Committee membership and Chairmanship will be placed on the agenda for the March 7 meeting of Faculty Senate.

Other/New Business


The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Jen Miller
