Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

3 October 2000

Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:10 in Chryst Hall 210. All departments were represented with the exception of the following: Economics.

Hearing no objections, the Senate Minutes from September 19, 2000 stand approved.

Report of the Faculty Chairperson


(1)Chairperson Piperberg reported that it had been brought to his attention that a necessary correction in the minutes from June 13 was overlooked. The Senate passed resolutions to award emeritus status to David Bird and Fay Kramer; unfortunately, the Minutes contained some errors. The correction read as follows:

A Kerper/Luek motion recommending that the title of Professor Emeritus of Elementary and Early Childhood Education be granted to David G. Bird, passed unanimously.

A Desmond/Borger-Greco motion recommending that the title of Assistant Professor Emeritus of Educational Foundations be granted to Fay Kramer, passed unanimously.

(2)Chairperson Piperberg said that he had brought the proposal relative to cords for Honor Fraternities to the Commencement Committee. He had not fully understood the role of the Commencement Committee; it is not empowered to make this sort of decision and its function is rather to implement decisions made by others and/or advise about problems with such implementation. In its present form, the recommendation we made cannot be successfully executed. If we wish to allow students other than the five groups already sanctioned to wear cords to do likewise, we must come up with the specific criteria for those new groups that will be allowed to wear the cords. We will also have to suggest who will be responsible for making the decision about the eligibility of each group applying for the privilege.

(3)Chairperson Piperberg urged Senate Committee chairs to notify their student members about committee meeting times. President Baker could provide senators with this information.

(4)If the Chairmanship of the Academic Policies Committee is not filled today, Rich France has consented to continue as a non-Senator chair of Academic Policies. We do not yet have a volunteer for Academic Outcomes Assessment, but the matter is being addressed. Once there is a person to fill the position, the Senate will be notified.

(5)Chairperson Piperberg announced the recent resignation of Ruth Davis from Faculty Senate and that a permanent new Senator had yet to be designated. Barb Zimmerman will be the alternate for today’s meeting.

Report of the Student Senate President

(1) Student Senate President Baker introduced new Student Senators: Colleen Nelson & Michael Clement. (2) Pride Day is scheduled for October 12. Student Senate President Baker encouraged faculty to wear black and gold on that day. (3) The MU Formal will be held on October 28. (4) Student Senate goes on retreat later this week. (5) Student Senate volunteered their efforts in helping out with the voter registration. two hundred new students are now registered to vote. (6) The Student Senate recently received the Resolution Award for all their achievements.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President None.

Report of the Administrative Officers

Dr. McNairy reported that the most recent Open House for potential MU students was very successful. Over 2000 guests and their families attended. (2) N-CATE is coming to campus November 12-15 to approve teacher education programs. (similar to the Middle States visit last Spring). (3) There will be an upcoming Conference of Violence in November. Dr. McNairy invites faculty and student participation. (4) It was documented that MU is currently ranked in the top 100 schools in the United States. (5) Dr. McNairy reminded Senate that it is up to us to deal with issues such as what criteria need to be met for the wearing of decorations at commencement by graduating students. (6) Dr. McNairy went on to discuss the possibility of allowing students from ethnic backgrounds other than Western-European to wear "colors" representing their particular cultures. "Should cultural diversity be reflected in the commencement ceremony?" This question was left open for our future consideration.

Dr. Phillips circulated the "Advisement Initiatives." (see attachment) A brief discussion of the initiatives ensued.

Dr. Stager announced that 2600 students had been assigned pin numbers and went on to discuss some changes in the future concerning the pin number system.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Dr. Wismer, Chair of UCPRC, announced that there were new cover sheets for new courses and curricular changes over on the table, (see attachments). There are also 4 new proposals on the table for consideration FROM: Earth Sciences (2), English, and Anthropology.

Dr. Fenwick, Chair of Gen. Ed Review, reported that his committee was 3 members short. He suggested that the 3 people elected to serve on the Outcomes Assessment Committee be combined into the Gen. Ed Review Committee for this year. Since that committee has not yet met and given their goals are compatible with Gen. Ed at this time, Dr. Fenwick argued that it made sense to merge the two committees. He added that he would be willing to step in as Chair of the Outcomes Assessment Committee given they had no Chair. Senate will discuss and, perhaps, vote on this issue next meeting.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

Dr. Schreiber reported that a faculty forum was held the previous Monday on Options Toward Academic Integrity at Millersville University (see attachment). She is encouraging department chairs to discuss the "Options" document with the members of their departments for further feedback.

Proposed Courses and Programs

Upon hearing no objections, the following courses and curricular changes were approved by Senate:


EDFN 230 – Instructional Technology in Art Education, 3 credits. Effective Spring 2001.


EDFN 130 – Technology in the Music Profession, 3 credits. Effective Fall 2000. Replaces EDFN 330 (Introduction to Microcomputers in the Classroom).


EDFN 220 – Institutional Technology in Elementary Education, 3 credits. Effective Fall 2000. Replaces EDFN 330 (Introduction to Microcomputers in the Classroom).


Curriculum Change in B.S.E. Music

A proposal to replace EDFN 330 (Microcomputers in the Classroom) as a professional education requirement in the B.S.E. Music degree with EDFN 130 (Technology in the Music Profession). This change does not alter the total semester hours in the degree program. Effective Fall 2000.


Curriculum change in B.A. music and B.A. Music (Emphasis in Music Industry Studies). Add EDFN 130 (Technology in the Music Profession) as a Required Related course to the B.A. Music and B.A. Music (Emphasis in Music Industry Studies) degrees. The change increases the total semester hours in each degree by 3: The B.A. Music degree will go from 124 to 127 semester hours; the B.A. Music (Emphasis is Music industry Studies) degree will go from 120.5 to 123.5 semester hours. Effective Fall 2000.

Faculty Emeritus

Dr. Darmiento, from the Music Department, presented the request that the title of Professor Emeritus be granted to Sy Brandon. (see attachment)

The motion was seconded by Dr. Dorman. The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Darmiento presented the request that the title of Professor Emeritus be granted to Anita Brandon. (see attachment)

The motion was seconded by Dr. Dorman. The motion passed unanimously.

Other/New Business

Dr. Dorman announced that free tickets would be made available to faculty interested in attending a preview showing of the new play on campus, One Shoe Off Monday evening at 7:30. Let him know and he will make sure you are sent a ticket.

Chairperson Piperberg reminded faculty of the suggestion made last Spring to hold a Faculty Senate "End of the Year" get together. He asked that we consider the possibility.


A Dorman/Borger-Greco motion was made to accept the nominations to fill more committee seat vacancies. The motion passed unanimously.

The results of the Fall elections have been attached to the Minutes. (Attachment F1 and Attachment F2)

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Miller


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