Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

17 October 2000

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM in Chryst 210. All departments were represented with the exception of the following: Communication & Theatre, Economics, and Elementary & Early Childhood Education.

The Minutes for the October 3, 2000 meeting were approved with two minor grammatical corrections. On page 4856, point 5 under Dr. McNairy’s report should read, "Dr. McNairy reminded Senate that it is up to this body….". On page 4857, in item 4 under Proposed Courses and Programs, the word "ion" on the last line should read "in".

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson


(1)Chairperson Piperberg reminded Senate members that the next meeting will be in three weeks on November 7. We meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month. If there is a fifth Tuesday, as there will be this month, we do not meet.

(2) Dr. Fenwick has placed his name in nomination for the Chair of the Outcomes Assessment Committee. We will take care of the formal election when we get to that agenda item.

Report of the Student Senate President

Student Senate President Baker reported a successful "Homecoming" and "Pride Day" last Friday. He also related that students living in residence halls were very much in need of "change machines" and announced the forthcoming "All Campus News Letter." He also mentioned that on October 28, Student Senate is sponsoring a dance, an event entitled "Dance the Fright Away". Finally, he reported that $11,000 was raised by the selected Charity Kings and Queens.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President None.

Report of Administrative Offices

Dr. Phillips announced that all students now have pin numbers to register for classes.

Dr. Stager arranged for a Web Site demonstration by Candae Deen for this meeting which allowed Senate members to see how the Banner Web System operates, I. e., how to access student records, transcripts, etc. the demonstration was helpful. The Senate wishes to than Ms. Deen for her efforts in preparing the demonstration.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Dr. Wismer, Chair of UCPRC, reported that four course proposals were forthcoming: (1) History 494 (Perspectives on the Harlem Renaissance). This is part of a three-part proposal from the History, Music and English departments. The proposal will not be acted upon until the other two proposals arrive at Senate, and (2) English 487 which proposes a change in both content and title to "Seminar in Teaching Writing."

Reports of the Faculty Special Committees

Dr. Schreiber, Chair of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee, reminded Senate members to please meet with their departments and get feedback from faculty concerning the Honor Code and Policy "Options" sheet attached to the previous Minutes.

Proposed Courses and Programs

All of the following courses were approved with no comment or objections.


ESCI 386--Earth System Data Visualization and Modeling, 3 credits. Effective Spring 2001 (offered as experimental course in Spring 2000).


Curriculum changes for the B.S. degree in Meteorology. Effective Fall 2000.

1. Deletion of CSCI 161 (Introduction to Computing I) from the Required Related courses.

2. Addition of a new course ESCI 386 (Earth System Data Visualization and Modeling) to the Required Earth Sciences courses.

3. Movement of ESCI 380 (Remote Sensing) from Earth Sciences electives to Required Earth Sciences courses. This course will also become a prerequisite for two elective courses: ESCI 347 (Satellite Meteorology) and ESCI 449 (Radar Meteorology).

4. Movement of ESCI 485 (Air-Sea Interactions) from Required Earth Sciences courses to Earth Sciences electives.


ANTH 227- Culture Through Film, 3 credits, a G3 Writing (W) course. Effective Spring 2001.


Addition of a prerequisite (ENGL 110 [English Composition] to ENGL 240 (Introduction to Film). Effective Fall 2000.

Faculty Emeritus

A Kevorkian/Börger-Greco motion to grant Dr. Thomas Tirado the title of Professor of History Emeritus passed unanimously. (See attachment).

Discussion of Honor Cord Criteria

After a discussion ensued articulating the differences between "academic" and "professional/service" Honor Societies, a Yelagotes/Heintzelman motion was made to send the issue of allowing the wearing of Honor Society decorations at Commencement back to the Joint Senate Conference Committee for more exacting criteria.

The motion passed unanimously.


After Chairperson Piperberg accepted Dr. James Fenwick’s nomination as Chair of the Outcomes Assessment Committee, nominations were closed and a Hutchens/Börger-Greco motion to instruct the Secretary to cast a vote in favor of Dr. Fenwick’s election as Chair of that committee passed unanimously.

Other/New Business

Chairperson Piperberg encouraged Senate members to consider whether we should have an end of the year "get together".

Dr. Hutchens brought to the Senate’s attention a problem that had recently arisen involving a student who had been caught filing fake "change of grade" forms. He asked why it was that course instructors no longer received a copy of the "change of grade" form as a safety mechanism against this kind of occurrence. Dr. Stager assured faculty that the issue had already been addressed and that we can expect to receive a copy of any "change of grade" form in the future.

The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Miller


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