Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
December 5, 2000

Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM in Chryst 210. All departments were represented.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

1. Rick Kerper's name was added to the Minutes indicating that he introduced the MBA proposal for GCPRC.

2. The minutes stated that Instructional Technology would help faculty set up e-mail lists connecting them more easily advisees.  It should have been Information Technology.

1. Under the new courses for the MBA proposal, some errors in capitalization were corrected.

The Minutes from 11/21/00 Meeting stands approved.


(1) Chairperson Piperberg announced that we will have elections of Senate officers for next year at the next meeting for the following positions: Faculty Senate Chair, Chair Pro Tempore (Assistant Chair), and Secretary.  We will also elect the Chair of the Women's Studies Curriculum Committee to a 2-year term and the Chair of the International  Studies Curriculum Committee for a 3 year term.

Vacancies remaining on Senate committees from the fall elections are as follows:

Academic Outcomes Assessment - Non School seat, term ending 2001

Academic Policies - Social Sciences Seat, term ending fall 2001

General Education Review - Humanities seat (term ending Fall 2002, not Foreign Language), Science/Math seat (term ending Fall 2002, not math), Social Sciences seat (term ending Fall 2002, not History), Education seat for Spring and Fall 2001 semesters. (Elizabeth Thyrun will be on leave so we will need someone to fill her seat in her absence).

UCPRC - Humanities seat (term ending fall 2002, not Philosophy), Social Sciences seat (term ending Fall 2002, not History).

Commencement Speaker - Social Sciences seat (term ending 2001).

(2) The Following approvals have been received from Provost McNairy:
The requirement for a grade of "C" or better by music majors on all required sequential music courses in order to continue to the next level.  Effective Spring 2001.

Addition of MUSI 204 (Electronic Music) to the Music electives block of the BA Music Major.  Effective Fall 2000.

MUSI 369 - Introduction to West African Music & Dance, 3 credits, Perspectives course.  Effective Spring 2001.

EDFN 220 - Instructional Technology in Elementary Education,  3 credits.  Effective Fall 2001.

Replacement of EDFN 330 with EDFN 130 (just approved) in the Professional Education block of the BSE major.  Effective Spring 2001.

Addition of EDFN 130 to the required related block of the BA in the Music major and the BA in Music major with an Option in Music Industry Studies.  Effective Fall 2000.

(3) Chairperson Piperberg announced that Dr. George Yelagotes will be leaving MU Senate after many years of service and remarked that his contributions to the Senate and especially his humor will be missed.

Report of the Student Senate President

Student Senate President Baker announced that: (1) 200-300 students attended the Dialogue on Race for which Tim Weiss was the speaker. (2) Student Senate participated in the University Diversity Plan in the Dean Search, and (3) 5 students from Student Senate attended the Honor Code Committee meeting.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President   None.

Report of the Administrative Officers

Provost McNairy reported that (1) graduate proposals from Early Childhood Education and from the MBA had been received; (2) the forthcoming Commencement ceremony would be the first at which students will be allowed to walk across the stage and the first at which graduate students will be hooded.  A brief discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of responding electronically to information and questions sent from Provost McNairy's office ensued, particularly with regards to the recent survey on Commencement.

Dr. Philips reported that Spring registration went smoothly.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees 

Dr. Wismer, from UCPRC reported that he had received the following proposals to be voted on at the February 6 meeting:

Addition of ECON 327 to the list of Economics major and minor requirements.

A change in designation of ECON 246, 316, 325, and 345 to General Education G3

A change in the Oceanography major - revision of the Oceanography curriculum.

A new course - ESCI 385 - Global Change, "W" course.

A new course - ESCI 466 - Coastal Environmental Oceanography, "P" course.

A change in the Marine Biology option.

RESP 417 (Respiratory Care Techniques III), an existing course seeking approval of "W" label.

Political Economy option: Changes to credit requirements and choices of economic electives and required related courses.

Richard Kerper, GCPRC Chair, presented a graduate course proposal (Substance-Related Disorders PSYC 511).

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

Dr. Schreiber, Chair of the Honor Code Committee, summarized the accomplishments of the committee’s Fall semester meetings.  She reported that an "options" sheet had been circulated throughout Senate, that a Faculty Forum was held, that the committee had met with students, and so forth.  Dr. Schreiber continued on to report that money was now available to the committee to use for a Spring Convocation speaker, Rebecca Moore Howard. However, because of the timing of the event, Dr. Schreiber requested an extension to Spring 2002 to present the committee's recommendations regarding an honor code or any change to the present policy regarding academic dishonesty.

Dr. Börger-Greco moved that Senate grant the extension to Spring 2002 for the Committee to present its recommendations concerning an honor code or amend current academic dishonesty policy at MU.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Yelagotes. The motion passed unanimously.

Proposed Courses and Programs  None.

Faculty Emeritus

Dr. Börger-Greco presented a motion to grant Mrs. Jacqueline Long, from Foreign Languages the rank of Associate Professor Emerita.  Dr. Yelagotes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. [see attachment]

Approval of Revised General Education Course Proposal Forms

Dr. Wismer moved approval of the revised General. Education course proposal forms {see attachment}.  Dr. Blazer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Discussion of the Fall Calendar

The issues of whether or not to change the Fall Calendar so that finals will no longer be scheduled on Saturdays and how to deal with the lost Monday of the second week of the Semester were discussed.  Faculty and Student Senate members offered various points of view.

Dr. Yelagotes moved that the issue should be sent to the Joint Senate Conference Committee for further consideration.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Schreiber. The motion passed unanimously.

For the purpose of giving some guidance to the Joint Senate Conference Committee about the feeling of the Senate membership relative to this issue, we will continue discussion of the Fall calendar at our next meeting.  Chairperson Piperberg asked that faculty get feedback from their departments to enliven the discussion.

New/Other Business

There was brief mention of a possible MU "Getaway" or Freshman weekend.  It will be discussed further at a forthcoming meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 5:36 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Miller

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