Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment B
Faculty Senate Minutes
November 21, 2000
Departmental prefix                                     Course number                                      Credit Hours_________
Catalog Description:

Please check the appropriate boxes.
Current course status:  [  ] New   [  ] Existing, but not Liberal Arts Core
[  ] G1: Humanities & Fine Arts   [  ] G2: Science & Mathematics   [  ] G3: Social Sciences   [  ] Laboratory science
[  ] W, significant writing component: describe how the significant writing component is incorporated into the course.

The course satisfies the indicated objectives of General Education. (Governance Manual has full text of every objective.)
[  ]  1. Mathematical reasoning   [  ] 2. Critical Reasoning   [  ] 3. Inquiry & Information Literacy
[  ]  4. Oral & Written Communication   [  ] 5. Comm: Different Contexts   [  ] 6. Comm. Tech. Literacy
[  ]  7. Discussion of Individuals & Movements   [  ] 8. Critical & Creative Methods
[  ]   9. Principles & Technologies  [  ] 10. Scientific Reasoning & Lab Methods
[  ]  11. Relationships across eras, lands, peoples  [  ] 12. Methods of Inquiry
[  ]  13. Coherence  [  ] 14. Diversity   [  ] 15. Historical Consciousness  [  ] 16. Values & Decision Making
Succinctly explain how each indicated objective is satisfied by the course.

Describe course format (lecture, discussion, laboratory, etc.), assignments, & evaluation methods. (Please attach full course proposal for a new course.) Continue on other side, as needed.

UCPRC fall 2000

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