Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Appendix A
Faculty Senate Minutes
May 1, 2001

Resolution for Faculty Emeritus Status
Dr. Robert S. Ross


Whereas Dr. Robert Ross has taught and inspired hundreds of students, and is highly respected by all his students and his colleagues, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross has been essential in the development of the meteorology program and the meteorology curriculum, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross has served as a faculty advisor and mentor to numerous students, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross initiated the dialogue between science and religion on campus, and developed and taught the honors course "Issues in Science and Religion" that received the international Templeton Foundation Award in 1998, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross has served as the faculty advisor to the student chapter of the American Meteorological Society, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross solely developed and taught a number of courses in meteorology including Synoptic Meteorology, Tropical Meteorology, and Mesoscale Meteorology, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross was one of the first faculty members at Millersville University to receive a National Science Foundation grant for basic research in the sciences, and

Whereas Dr. Robert Ross has either chaired or served on the search committees for current faculty in meteorology and oceanography, thus playing a vital role in staff development in the Earth Sciences Department.

Therefore be it resolved that the Earth Sciences Faculty of Millersville University thank and congratulate Dr. Robert Ross for his numerous valuable contributions to the life of the university and the department and wish him continued success and much happiness, and

Be it further resolved that Dr. Robert Ross be granted the title of Professor of Meteorology Emeritus.


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