Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment D
Faculty Senate Minutes
April 3, 2001

A course shall be designated a service-learning course if it contains a course based, credit-bearing (is this necessary as all courses are credit bearing) educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. (Bringle & Hatcher, 1995)

Service-Learning may be implemented in the following ways:
     (a) required by each student as part of the course requirements
     (b) be an optional part of the course requirements
     (c) be accepted for extra credit in the course

A service-learning component may be included in a particular course/section at the discretion of individual faculty members.

In order to facilitate the coordination between the University and the community and document participation it will be helpful for faculty to submit the following information:

1. Title, course and section numbers of service-learning class
2. Number of students participating in service-learning activities
3. Number of hours required for the service activity
4. Synopsis of reflection activity
5. Community organization(s) involved

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