Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
February 19, 2002

Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:10 pm. in Chryst Hall, Room 210.

I. The Minutes of the February 5, 2002 Faculty Senate meeting were approved as distributed.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Chairperson Piperberg announced that he intended to add the proposals of the Student Senate dealing with the one-week Drop/Add period to the agenda of the March 5, 2002 meeting. He also expressed appreciation to Senator Paul Studdard, Library Dept. for volunteering to record the minutes at the February 19, 2002 meeting.

Report of the Student Senate President

President Brandon Danz announced that there would be an information session for students in the Multipurpose Room in the Student Memorial Center on March 4, 2002 at 7-8:30 pm. This session will inform students about the State System of Higher Education and how they can become advocates for the System. The information session will be done at all the SSHE schools.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President No report.

Report of the Administrative Officers No report.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Senator Robert Wismer, Chemistry Dept., announced that the Undergraduate Course Program Review Committee had no proposals to present to the Senate. He also mentioned that the committee would begin checking course proposals against DARS with the help of the Registrar's Office in order to give proposers feedback to resolve conflicts.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees No report.

Proposed Courses and Programs






Faculty Emeritus None.

Elections for Senate Secretary-- No nominations were received, so the election was postponed.

Approval of Revised Undergraduate and Graduate Course/Program Proposal Cover Sheets (See Attachments #1 and #2)

A motion was made to approve the Undergraduate Course Proposal Cover Sheet as amended at the February 19 Senate meeting by Senator Robert Wismer, Chemistry Dept. Senator Richard Kerper, Elementary Education Dept, seconded the motion. There was an amendment to add a sentence at the top of the form suggesting that proposers peruse the Guidelines for Course Approvals available on the Faculty Senate web site. The amendment and the amended motion both passed without dissent.

A motion was made by Senator Barb Stengel, Educational Foundations Dept. to approve the Graduate Course Proposal Cover Sheet as amended at the February 19 Senate meeting. The motion was seconded by Senator Luek, Psychology Dept. There was an amendment to add a sentence at the top of the form suggesting that proposers peruse the Guidelines for Course Approvals available on the Faculty Senate web site. The amendment and the amended motion both passed without dissent.

It was emphasized that failure to get attach the school dean's Resource Implications statement to a course proposal will not delay its being considered by the School Curriculum Committee, UCPRC or Faculty Senate, but that the proposal will not go forward beyond Faculty Senate without the dean's statement.

Discussion of Faculty Senate Committee Structure

Chairperson Piperberg announced that some committees had not yet submitted a detailed description of their committees' duties and responsibilities, so the report on committee structure was not complete. The Faculty Senate encouraged the Admissions, Advisement and Student Affairs Committee to communicate with the Admissions Dept., Academic Advisement and with Student Affairs to gauge these groups' interest in having the committee be further involved in their activities. Those committee chairs who had suggested changes in committee membership or aspects of committee duties were encouraged to introduce formal proposals for those changes.

Discussion of Proposal for the Institution of an Award Recognizing Teaching Excellence at Millersville University

Chairperson Piperberg mentioned that the Lindback Foundation is a possible source of funding for an award. One award per school was suggested as a possible format for the award. Senator Eric Blazer, Business Administration Dept., made a motion to form a committee to put together proposals for establishing a teaching award; Senator Bill Dorman, Communication and Theatre Dept seconded the motion. The motion passed, and Senator Sepi Yalda, Earth Sciences Dept., volunteered to chair the committee.

New Business

Senator Joe Sciaretta, Developmental Studies Dept., announced that faculty had responded well to the call for midsemester requests. He also asked that faculty be sensitive to student athletes' emotional states following the death of the wrestling coach, "Shorty" Hitchcock.

The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Studdard
Secretary of the Day
Action Summary
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