Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
October 15, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 4:12 pm. All academic departments were represented except Geography.

I. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the October 1, 2002 Faculty Senate Meeting were approved as distributed.

II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. The chronology of the Attendance Policy including the current policy, the policy proposed by the Academic Policies Committee and the Provost's suggested modifications was made available.

  2. Also made available was an additional document from Kirsten Bookmiller that is relevant to the discussion of the International Studies issue {see attachment}. Senators were asked to pick it up and read it in preparation for discussion. Chairperson Piperberg will scan the non-electronic portions of Marlene Arnold's handout from the last meeting {see attachment}. Also, the attachment of Dr. Arnold's document to the Minutes contains an extra section entitled "Equal Opportunity", which was not handed out at the last Faculty Senate meeting but she mentioned the material included in it during her remarks.

  3. Since the last Faculty Senate meeting, the chair received the following administrative approvals: The reduction in required credits for General Education (the deletion of the G4 elective)

III. Report of the Senate Student President

  1. Student Senate President B. Danz commended the faculty for their efforts in teaching and helping students at Millersville, in light of an unflattering editorial that had recently appeared in The Snapper.

  2. He reported that the Millersville Persons-of-the-Year had recently been announced by Student Senate.

  3. He announced that the Student Senate was participating in a mentoring program with students at McCaskey High School this year.

  4. He also stated that the Student Senate will be working with the Office of Social Equity to plan a Dialogue on Race and Gender this year.

IV. Report of the Graduate Student Organization -- No Report.

V. Reports of Administrative Officers

  1. Provost McNairy announced that she has approved a proposal by the Earth Sciences Department to place three geology options on moratorium. Those options are Engineering Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics.

  2. Provost McNairy updated the Senate on the 120 credit hour policy, which originated in the Chancellor's Office. This policy is to take effect beginning with the Fall, 2003 semester. She mentioned that the University will seek exceptions to the 120 credit hour policy for the B. S. Ed. and Respiratory Therapy programs.

  3. Provost McNairy has approved the elimination of the General Elective from the General Education Curriculum G4 block. She reminded Senate that this change will not apply to students currently enrolled at Millersville.

  4. Associate Provost Phillips discussed the Common Calendar, which will take effect in the Fall, 2003 semester. She announced that the fall semester will be essentially identical to the current fall semester, but that the MU version of the Spring, 2004 semester calendar has not yet been finalized. She also mentioned that the University intends to maintain a Winter Session, but in a modified form. A number of approaches to a modified Winter session have thus far been discussed, but no final decisions have yet been made.

VI. Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

VII. Report of the Faculty Senate Special Committees -- No Report.

VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs

The change in HUMN 280 (Spanish Literature in English), introduced earlier in the meeting, was approved.

HUMN 280 - Spanish Literature in English 3 cr. Requesting G1 General Education designation. Desired effective date is Spring 2003.

IX. Elections

  1. A R. Mowrey/B. Dorman motion, which closed nominations and directed the Senate Secretary to cast a ballot for all of the nominees, passed without dissent.

  2. J. Fenwick asked that nominees be accepted to fill empty seats on the General Education Review Committee on a one-year, At-Large basis as has been done for the last couple of years. The request was honored and W. Archibald and J. Wimer were nominated to fill the seats. A similar request was made by R. Kerper, chair of the Academic Standards Committee. B. Ikenaga and S. DiBartolomeis were then nominated to fill vacancies on this committee on a one-year, At-Large basis. The nomination of M. Arnold to fill the Social Sciences seat on the Commencement Speaker Committee was also accepted. The elections for these seats will be held at the next meeting.

X. Changes in the Status of the International Studies Program and Related Issues

  1. K. Bookmiller addressed the move of the International Studies program to the Department of Government and Political Affairs and presented the rationale for the move. She introduced the proposal {see attachment} to replace the current International Studies Curriculum Committee, a Faculty Senate standing committee, with a committee that includes involved faculty from each department, which contributes courses to the program. The proposal also states that the chair of the committee would be a member of the Department of Government and Political Affairs. Course and program proposals approved by the committee would not require separate approval by the Department of Government and Political Affairs. Instead proposals would be funneled directly to the appropriate School Curriculum Committee(s) and then to UCPRC and Faculty Senate.

  2. M. Arnold presented an opposing viewpoint {see attachment} to this proposal based on the history of the International Studies program's design and development.

Senators posed a few questions, which were answered. The intent to revisit this issue at the next Senate meeting was stated.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm. Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Studdard
Senate Secretary

Action Summary
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