Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
March 4, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm. All academic departments were represented except for Business Administration, Foreign Language and Government and Political Affairs.

I. Minutes of the February 4, 2003 Meeting

The minutes were approved as amended. On page 5208, it is stated that B. Skinner was elected Chair of the Women's Studies program; she was actually elected Chair of the Women's Studies Curriculum Committee. Thus "program" should be changed to "Curriculum Committee".

II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Faculty Senate Chair J. Piperberg announced that the date for the June Faculty Senate meeting would be on June 10 in the Armstrong Auditorium of the STB, 3-5 pm. Refreshments will be served.

J. Piperberg also mentioned his phone discussion with the SSHE Chancellor, who asked him if he would be willing to serve on a committee to look into the impact of the 120-credit mandate and permanent exceptions for majors/options that should have them.

J. Piperberg represented the Faculty Senate at the Student Senate meeting two weeks prior when that body considered a resolution commenting on the recent edicts from SSHE Administration. He answered questions about the Faculty Senate's actions at the February 4 meeting.

The altered course proposal cover sheet was made available, and Faculty Senators were asked to review it and offer comments and suggestions.

J. Piperberg announced that next year would be his last as Faculty Senate Chairperson.

III. Report of the Student Senate President

B. Danz announced that the Student Senate passed a resolution two weeks ago regarding recent actions taken by the SSHE Administration. He commented that the Student Senate had received little feedback thus far.

The Student Senate also plans to hold a reception for University President J. Caputo close to the end of the spring semester.

IV. Report of the Graduate Student Organization -- No Report.

V. Reports of Administrative Officers

Provost McNairy announced that the Governor has proposed a state budget which includes cuts in funding for SSHE schools which may result in as much as a $3 million deficit.

Associate Provost C. Phillips announced that the Common Calendar Committee has finalized plans for scheduling of the Summer Sessions. She also mentioned that the Academic Standards Committee will be changing the time frame for academic dismissal notices to be sent and for appeals due to time constraints and complications caused by the new Common Calendar.

VI. Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chair R. Wismer announced 5 course proposals: Revisions of two Biology degree programs, which have concentrations in Environmental Biology and in Optometry; Revision of the BSN program, and a proposal to reclassify EDFN 211 and 241 as G3 General Education courses. The Committee proposed that the G3 classification would expire the September following the report from the General Education Task Force, or September 2005, whichever occurs earlier.

During the UCPRC report, a motion was introduced suggesting that any course that is to count for G1 or G3 general education credit must be submitted to the Humanities (G1) or Social Sciences (G3) Curriculum Committee, whichever is appropriate. This motion is to be considered at the next Faculty Senate Meeting. [See Attachment #1]

General Education Review Committee: Chair J. Fenwick announced that the committee is proposing an increase in the number of Required Related courses that can count toward General Education Requirements from 4 to 6. [See Attachment #2] This question will be taken up at the March 18 Senate meeting as well.

Academic Standards Committee: Chair R. Kerper announced that the committee is asking for input on the timing of the appeals process for academic dismissals. The Common Calendar has compressed the time during which these appeals can be heard and will necessitate some changes in the process.

Academic Policies Committee: R. Kerper mentioned that this committee will be reporting to the Faculty Senate at a future meeting.

VII. Report of the Faculty Senate Special Committees--No Report.

VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs

The following three course proposals were approved between meetings to expedite their approval. This will allow them to appear in the course roster for the Fall 2003 semester. They would have been approved at the February 18, 2003 meeting had that meeting not been canceled by last week's snowstorm. On Friday, February 21, I informed the Senate that the courses would stand approved if I heard no objections to them by Tuesday, February 25, 2003. No such objections were voiced and thus they were approved.

    BUAD 691--Independent Study, 3 credits.
    Desired effective date--Spring 2003.

    BUAD 686-689--Special Topics in Business Administration, 3 credits.
    Desired effective dat--Spring 2003.

    BUAD 586-589--Special Topics in Business Administration, 3 credits.
    Desired effective date--Spring 2003.

The following proposals were approved at today's meeting:

    ELED 376--Assessment for Instructional Planning, 3 credits.
    Desired effective date--Spring 2004.

    Elementary Education-straight ELED, ELEM/ECHD and ELEM/Science options. Addition of ELED 376 as a required education course. When Assessment for Instructional Planning is offered as a topics in education course prior to approval of ELED 376, it will satisfy the requirement of ELED 376 in the education program.
    Desired effective date--Spring 2004.

    EDCI 799--Curriculum and Instruction K-12 Supervisory Program, 6 credits.
    Desired effective date--Spring 2003.

    New Certificate Program in Curriculum and K-12 Supervision (Supervisory Certificate for Curriculum and Instruction K-12).
    Desired effective date--Spring 2003.

IX. Faculty Emeritus

A T. Kevorkian/B. Stengel motion granting Dr. Jack R. Fischel the honorary title of Professor of History Emeritus passed. [See Attachment #3]

X. Elections

Dr. Beverly Skinner was elected interim Women Studies Curriculum Committee Chair on a B. Dorman/J. Lynch motion for the Faculty Senate Secretary to cast the unanimous vote in favor of her election.

XI. Discussion of a Referendum on SSHE Policies

A B. Dorman/M. Rosenthal motion passed which allowed the Faculty Senate to discuss holding a campus-wide faculty referendum on SSHE policies. This discussion is to continue at a future Faculty Senate meeting. Discussion centered on the questions to be included in the referendum and the mechanism for conducting the referendum

XII. New Business

A T. Kevorkian/S. Luek motion passed which will allow for the suspension of normal Faculty Senate rules for the next Faculty Senate meeting in order to consider a proposed policy from Dr. Francis Bremer before Proposed Courses and Programs on the agenda.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Studdard
Faculty Senate Secretary

Action Summary
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