Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment #3
Faculty Senate Minutes
October 7, 2003

TO: Faculty Senate
FROM: Richard M. Kerper, Chair, Academic Policies Committee
RE: Revision of Proposed Incomplete Grade Policy

The Academic Policies Committee's current version of the Incomplete Grade Policy, based upon the feedback provided by Dean's Council, is stated below.

Proposed Policy

An Incomplete (I) grade is used to denote course work that is unfinished due to circumstances beyond a student's control, such as personal illness, accident, or death in the family. It is a privilege granted by the instructor because of circumstances, not a right to be expected by the student. The instructor may assign an incomplete (I) grade if the student is passing the course and can complete the remaining requirements without attending classes. If additional class attendance is required to complete course requirements, the instructor must issue a final grade.

A student must petition the course instructor to assign an incomplete grade. The student, in consultation with the course instructor, will complete the appropriate form indicating the reason the incomplete is being requested and clearly specifying the work to be completed, its completion date (the time granted for completion of this work may be less than the maximum time allowed), and the default grade that will be assigned in the event the course requirements are not satisfied. The instructor, advisor, department chairperson, and dean must approve this form. If approved, the student will retain a copy of this form and submit it when the course work is completed.

An incomplete grade issued to a student on academic probation will not prevent or delay academic action for dismissal. A student's cumulative grade point average will be calculated based on all completed course work.

A student is encouraged to complete the required work as soon as possible. The deadline for making up an incomplete is 8 weeks from the completion of the term in which the incomplete was granted [Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer (calculated from the last day of Summer Session III)]. The instructor must submit either

An instructor may recommend an extension of time to complete the course requirements when extenuating circumstances exist. Extensions require the approval of the department chairperson and dean of the school offering the course. If the instructor does not submit a final grade by this deadline or request an additional extension, the dean will notify the registrar to change the incomplete (I) to the default grade.

A faculty member may petition the school dean for a retroactive administrative withdrawal (W) from a course in which an incomplete grade cannot be resolved due to extraordinary circumstances, e.g., disability or death of the student or faculty. If the petition is approved, the dean will notify the registrar to record an administrative withdrawal for the course.

If a student repeats a course in which an incomplete grade was earned, the incomplete grade will remain on the transcript, and the most recent grade for the course will be included in calculating the cumulative GPA.

Students will not be graduated with unresolved incomplete grades that were recorded beginning with the Spring 2004 term. Degree candidates are notified of the outstanding degree requirements. The degree is not conferred until all requirements have been met.




Faculty who assign incomplete grades beginning with Spring 2004 will be provided with a list of unresolved incompletes one week before the student's initial deadline.

Incomplete grades recorded prior to Spring 2004 will remain permanently on the transcript unless the course instructor submits a final grade. The Registrar's Office will provide department chairpersons and deans with a list of course instructors who assigned unresolved incomplete grades prior to Spring 2004; faculty will be encouraged to assign final grades using the change of grade form with the approval of the department chairperson and dean.

  1. In the event that the instructor who assigned an incomplete grade to a student is no longer at MU, the department chairperson may determine the assignment of a final grade in consultation with appropriate departmental faculty.

  2. In the event of an emergency, such as an accident, when a student cannot personally contact an instructor to request an incomplete grade, the department chairperson or dean may initiate the process for assignment of an incomplete grade in consultation with the instructor.

Millersville University
Request for Assignment of an Incomplete Grade

Instructions for Student: It is your responsibility to initiate a request for an incomplete grade in advance of the end of the term.

To Be Completed by the Student in Consultation with Instructor (Please print or type)
Student's Name ___________________________________ ID #_______________
Student's Local Address __________________________ Phone _____________
Student's Marauder E-mail Address _____________________________________
Major____________________________ Minor___________________________
Advisor___________________________ Expected Graduation Date _________
I am requesting an incomplete grade in: Term ________________
Subject & Course No. _______________________ Instructor _________________
Course Title _______________________________________

Request for Incomplete

Attach a typed explanation of the reason for the request of an incomplete grade. Give a clear and compelling reason for the request. In consultation with the instructor, clearly specify the work to be completed and the final completion date. The maximum time allowed is 8 weeks from the end of the term (see published date in academic calendar); the time granted may be less than the maximum.Default grade________if work is not completed by_____________________________


Request for Extension of Deadline

Attach a typed explanation of the reason for the request of an extension of the completion date for an incomplete grade. Give a clear and compelling reason for the request.

Revised completion date________________________________



Signatures of Approval Required in Department and School Offering Course:

Yes/No Dept. Chair________________________________
Yes/No School Dean_______________________________

Signatures of Approval Required in Department and School Offering Course: Yes/No Dept. Chair__________________________________________
Yes/No School Dean___________________________________________
After the required signatures have been obtained, the School Dean will notify the student of the result and distribute copies of the original form to the Dept. Chair, Instructor and Advisor.

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