Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment #2
Faculty Senate Minutes
March 16, 2004

Summary of Honor Code Committee Recommendation to Faculty Senate*

  1. Upon admission to MU, students sign an honor pledge (required except for cases of religious conflict). Prior to the signing, students will be given background information on academic dishonesty and how to avoid being charged with it. Use of the pledge is optional in classroom but is implied regardless.

  2. Honesty education continues throughout students' program at MU. Possibilities for education exist in Freshman Orientation, Freshman-Year Experience, common freshman courses, all course introductions, and out-of-class workshops and activities. Resources/support will be made available to both students and instructors by the Academic Honor Council. Student members of this council play a major role in its function.

  3. The following procedure takes place for alleged cases of academic dishonesty:

  4. Students are not required to report observed cases of dishonesty.

*More details can be found in the by-laws section of the Proposed Millersville University Academic Honor System Constitution.

How is this system different from our current academic honesty program? The proposed system adds the following elements which are now not part of the honesty policy: signing an academic honesty pledge upon admission, provision for greater education/support for both students and faculty in preventing academic dishonesty, a sanctions schedule, creation of the XF grade, and greater opportunity for students to participate in the honesty system, thus allowing students greater ownership of the program. The literature suggests lower incidence of dishonesty where clear and frequent communication related to dishonesty is coupled with high student involvement in the program, careful monitoring of dishonesty, and strong sanctions for offenses.

What benefits would we expect to see if the proposed honor system is implemented? The literature suggests: significantly fewer cases of cheating, greater consistency in addressing dishonesty, promotion of law/ethics-related careers of student honor members, greater community/employer respect of MU as an institution promoting ethics, advancement of general education objectives and parts of the university mission dealing with development of student values and ethics, and benefits to society as students carry away learned moral norms.

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