Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment #5
Faculty Senate Minutes
June 8, 2004

To: Faculty Senate
Date: 8 June 2004
From: Robert K. Wismer
Re: Monitoring proposals that have been passed by Faculty Senate

The most efficient way to incorporate the procedure of monitoring proposals that have been passed by Senate might be to amend by addition the proposal from Academic Policies Committee that currently is before Senate. The best location to expand seems to be paragraph 2, which reads "2. New courses and designations must be duly approved by the Provost [President?] before being listed among a semester's course offerings." If this becomes paragraph "2.a.", paragraph "2.b" could be something like the following.

2.b. Proposals passed by Senate must be approved by the President before they go into effect. Until the President makes a decision, the current status of a "passed proposal" will be communicated in an effective manner to: the President of Senate, the chairs of affected departments, the heads of relevant committees, and the directors of affected programs. Typically, a decision will be made within two months of a proposal's passage by Faculty Senate.

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