Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
February 6, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 4:09 p.m. All departments were in attendance except Industry & Technology, Music and Nursing.

I. Minutes of previous meetings

II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

III. Report of the Student Senate President

IV. Report of the Graduate Student Organization

V. Report of the Administrative Officers

VI. Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

VII. Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs

IX. Faculty Emeritus

X. Policy regarding "Incomplete" grades

XI. General Education

Dr. Warmkessel distributed a document indicating revised language regarding the W Course Guidelines based on discussion at the special meeting [see Attachment #3]. She also indicated that GERC would like the vote on General Education Reform to coincide with campus-wide voting to be held in late April. A reminder was given that current W courses would be reviewed to ensure they meet the revised guidelines.

A question was raised about a cap of 25 students in W classes. While GERC indicated that this is the recommendation, the administration would make the final decision. Dr. Heintzelman shared that this issue was raised at Meet & Discuss. The Provost has requested that deans respect a cap of 30 + 10% (33). Dr. Burns indicated that the average enrollment in W courses is 27. However, a concern was raised about that statistic since there are many W courses that have small enrollments that offset larger courses. It was suggested that it would be more helpful to know how many W courses are operating with much larger class sizes. It was noted that there may need to be a balance drawn between the class size issue and the requirement for four W courses. Since the proposed W requirements could be overwhelming, it was noted that some faculty might simply opt to drop the W label from their courses.

Concern was voiced that a strict voting deadline does not allow for resolution of how some of these important aspects of the proposal will be implemented. GERC does have a small group of persons working on implementation and administrative issues related to the reformed curriculum.

XII. Other/New Business

XIII. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Aimee L. Miller
Faculty Senate Secretary

Action Summary

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