Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment #2
Faculty Senate Minutes
May 1, 2007

Section 1: University Structure & Governance
Faculty Participation in University Governance

Contract Committees, Judicial Committee and Amending Procedures

Faculty Senate/Curriculum Committee

Graduate Course and Program Review Committee

  1. Membership

    1. The Graduate Course and Program Review Committee is composed of the Graduate Degree Program Coordinators from each school and two graduate student representatives elected by the Graduate Students' Organization. In addition, a chairperson is elected by the Faculty Senate from the Senate membership at the first Senate meeting of the fall semester for a three-year term, provided he/she retains Senate membership and graduate faculty status. The terms of the chair and members begin in September and end in August of the appropriate year.
    2. The provost and vice president for academic affairs and the dean of graduate studies or their designees are non-voting ex officio members of the committee.

  2. Functions

    1. The Graduate Course and Program Review Committee reviews proposed changes in the graduate curriculum and programs as received from the appropriate school committee and reports its recommendations to the Faculty Senate. It also serves as a forum for matters pertaining to the graduate studies program.
    2. The Graduate Course and Program Review Committee reviews all proposed changes in academic policies, regulations, structure, and related matters at the graduate level and reports its recommendations to the Faculty Senate.

  3. Graduate Faculty

    To promote the ideals of graduate study, the graduate faculty must demonstrate a continuing professional interest and competence.

    Graduate faculty are involved in graduate curriculum development, departmental decision-making, teaching, and advisement of graduate students.

    Faculty are appointed to the graduate faculty by the Graduate Committee on the recommendation of the department. Individual departments determine the relevant specifications for membership based on these guidelines.

    1. Relevant or appropriate academic credentials such as the earned doctorate or acceptable terminal degree. Each department shall specify the credentials requisite to its discipline.
    2. Scholarly productivity as demonstrated by publications, research, or recognized creative work. Each department shall specify the quality and quantity of scholarly productivity it deems appropriate to its discipline.
    3. Evaluated teaching performance when available. Each department shall specify the evaluative criteria it uses for graduate teaching (e.g., student evaluations, course syllabi, peer evaluation, etc.)
    4. Areas of demonstrated expertise and interest with respect to the needs of the graduate program. Each department shall specify the evidence it requires to identify such expertise and interest (e.g., doctoral level course work, publications, post-doctoral research, etc.)

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