MU Online : Dr. Sepi Yalda

Professor:  Dr. Sepi Yalda
Office:   SCITEC - 405
Phone:   (717) 872-3293
Department Secretary: (717) 872-3289
Online Instructional Tool:
Course Website eCollege Link:

Welcome Message :

Welcome ESCI 107, 109, 245 students!
My name is Dr. Sepi Yalda and I will be your instructor for the ESCI 107, 109, 245 courses. Our course will be delivered completely online through the courseware tool called eCollege.

Accessing the Course:
USERNAME: miumarauderID (Your username starts with "miu" then continues with your marauderID which depends on when you enrolled at Millersville. See Marauder ID Guidelines)
DEFAULT eCollege PASSWORD: Your birthdate (example: August 22, 1973= 082273 as the default password). Once you enter the eCollege change your password.

Where do I get help?
Technical support (24x7) for Distance Education students contact
1) Help Form: eCollege Help Request
2) Email:
3) Phone: 1-866-313-3164 (toll free)


Course Info :

General Info :

Scroll Down this webpage for details.

Course: ESCI 107:

Required Text:  Meteorology Today, by C. Donald Ahrens, 8th edition

Class Notes: Class notes and resourses will be made available online.

References:       Meteorology (fifth edition), by Moran and Morgan
A World of Weather, Fundamentals of Meteorology (second edition) by Nese and Grenci
The online guide (ww2010):

Course Description:  The course is a study of the Earth's atmosphere with emphasis on the physical and dynamical processes that control its behavior.  Atmospheric structure, energy budget, cloud formation and types, moisture, circulation systems, thunderstorms, severe weather, and hurricanes will be covered in this course.

Course Format:  This course is completely web-based.  There will be no face-to-face meetings.  All course materials, including the quizzes and exams, can be accessed on-line. Even though this is a web-based course, please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. 

Course: ESCI 109:

Required Text:  There is no Textbook for this lab. All resources are included within the Online course.

Class Notes: Class notes and resourses will be made available online.

Course Format:  This course is completely web-based.  There will be no face-to-face meetings.  All course materials, including the quizzes and exams, can be accessed on-line. Even though this is a web-based course, please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions.  Also, I will be available for individual meetings.


Course: ESCI 245:

Required Text: None. Please see the packet sent by mail which includes articles and other handouts.

Class notes: Class notes and resourses will be made available online.

Air Quality by Thad Godish.
Our Changing Planet, An Introduction to Earth System Science and Global Environmental Change by Fred T. Mackenzie.
Global Environmental Change, Its Nature and Impact by John J. Hidore.
Global Environmental Change, Past, Present, and Future by Karl K. Tureki.
Understanding Weather and Climate by Edward Aguado and James E. Burt.

Course Description: A study of environmental change from a global, national, regional, and local prespectives. All aspects of natural and anthropogenic causes will be discussed. Potential impacts of environmental change will be investigated. In addition aspects of air pollutants, air quality, and related issues will be discussed.

Course Format: This course is completely web-based. There will be no face-to-face meetings. All course materials, including the quizzes and exams, can be accessed on-line. Even though this is a web-based course, please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Also, I will be available for individual meetings.