Millersville University Faculty Senate

Administrative Approvals
19 February 1999

The following administrative approvals have gone through:

New Undergraduate Courses
EDFN 333 - Instructional Technology in Special Education, effective Fall 1999
ENGL 328 - Ethics in Print Media Journalism, effective Fall 1999

New Graduate Course
EDFN 533 - Instructional Technology in Special Education, effective Fall 1999

Change in Undergraduate Major/Option
BA Social Work Degree - SOWK 405 (Human Behavior & the Social Environment II will become a required course. Total credits required for the major will increase from 51 to 54 credits. Effective Fall 1999.

New Undergraduate Majors/Options
BA Economics: Political Economy option, effective Fall 1999.
BA Economics: Financial Economics option, effective Fall 1999.

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