Millersville University Faculty Senate

Administrative Approvals
22 April 2002

TO: Registrar's Office
Academic Advisement
DARS Assistant
FROM: Dr. Carol Y. Phillips
Associate Provost
DATE: April 22, 2002
SUBJECT: Notification of Minor Curricular Changes

The following course changes have been approved for the Chemistry Department, effective Fall 2002.

Course No. Minor Changes Description
CHEM 381 Title change OLD title: Polymer Chemistry
NEW title: Polymer Chemistry I
CHEM 482 Title change OLD title: Polymer Physical Chemistry
NEW title: Polymer Chemistry II
CHEM 488 Update course description OLD: Topics of current chemical interest. 1 hour. Offered every year, half credit per semester. Prereq: CHEM 391
NEW: Fall Semester: Weekly seminars on topics of current chemical interest presented by guest speakers. Observation, critical evaluation and practice of techniques used in speaking on a chemical topic. Preparation of resume. Selection of seminar topic. Spring Semester: Individual student presentations on a chemical topic to the chemistry department in a seminar format. The seminar may be based on research of the chemical literature or on the results of an undergraduate research project. 1 hour. Offered every year, half credit per semester. Pre-req: Junior/senior standing or permission of instructor.
CHEM 495 Delete course  

Program Minor Changes Description of Changes to Update Curriculum Sheets
BA CHEM Update Chemistry electives block Delete CHEM 495 from Chemistry electives
  Revise CHEM 381 title change OLD title: Polymer Chemistry
NEW title: Polymer Chemistry I

Program Minor Changes Description of Changes to Update Curriculum Sheets
BS CHEM Update required courses block Delete CHEM 495
ADD CHEM 498. On the curriculum sheet, add ** after 498.

**Students seeking ACS certification must take a minimum of 2 credit hrs of CHEM 498.

  Update Chemistry electives block Revise CHEM 382 course title
  Update required related block Delete CSCI 160

BS CHEM POLY Updated required courses block Delete CHEM 495
Revise CHEM 381 & 482 course titles
  Update Chemistry electives block Add CHEM 486 Topics In Chemistry 1.0 to 4.0
Change credit hours for CHEM 498 from 1.0- 4.0 TO 1.0 to 3.0

BS CHEM ENVIR Update required courses block Delete CHEM 495
Revise CHEM 381 course title
  Update Chemistry electives block Change CHEM 486 credit hours from 1.0 to 3.0 TO 1.0 to 4.0
Update OSHM abbreviation to OSEH for OSHM 321.

BS CHEM BIOCH Updated required courses block Delete CHEM 495
ADD CHEM 498. On the curriculum sheet, add ** after 498.

**Students seeking ACS certification must take a minimum of 2 credit hrs of CHEM 498.
Revise CHEM 381 & 482 course titles

  Update Chemistry electives block Change CHEM 486 credit hours from 4.0 TO 1.0 to 4.0
Change credit hours for CHEM 498 from 1.0- 4.0 TO 1.0 to 3.0

c: F. Axsmith
N. Shaw
Dept Chair
School Dean

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