Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment A

Faculty Senate Minutes

7 March 1995

DATE: 7 March 1995
TO: Faculty Senate
FROM: Don Eidam
RE: REPORT for today's meeting


Current policy

The completion of any major program at Millersville University requires that students must complete the major-field-of-study courses (courses in the discipline but not the required related courses) with a minimum Q.P.A. of 2.0 and that 50% of the major field of study credits must be completed at Millersville University. No department may require an overall grade point average higher than the 2.0 University requirement for graduation.

[added by Faculty Senate on 6/14/94:
The major QPA is calculated on the basis of grades earned in all courses listed in the major field. In order to include professional education courses in a BSE student's QPA, two separate QPAs will be calculated for education courses and for non-education courses.]

All departments specify the courses required for completion of the major. These are identified as part of the degree program approval process or the revision of major requirements process. The completion-of-the-major policy pertains to major Q.P.A. requirements that are higher than the University-wide A.P.A.-in-the-major requirements or extra-course major requirements. Examples of these are achievement examinations, evaluation of student performance as measured against competency statements, or the achievement of a higher than 2.0 Q.P.A. in a specified set of major courses.

Proposals for special requirements for completion of the major program must be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee, then to the Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee and finally to the Faculty Senate for approval. Approved requirements will be added to the University catalog.

Main motion on floor
Substitute the following:

The completion of and major program at Millersville University requires that students must complete all courses in the major (courses in the discipline but not the required-related courses) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. In addition fifty percent of the credits in the major must be completed at Millersville University. A department can neither require a cumulative grade point average higher than the 2.0 University requirement, nor a grade point average higher than the minimum University requirement for completion of the major. Departments have the right to establish a competency level (minimum of "C" grade) for courses in the major and required-related courses.

All departments must specify the courses required for completion of the major and any additional requirements not specifically related to coursework such as achievement examinations, certification examination, and evaluation of student performance as measured against competency statements.

Proposals for special departmental requirements for completion of the major must be approved by the appropriate School Curriculum Committee, the Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee, and the Faculty Senate. Approved requirements for completion of their major must be promulgated in the University catalog.

At our 2/21 meetingan election was conducted to fill an unexpired vacancy on the Academic Policies Committee which terminates 8/31/95. I have had to invalidate this election since, according to the Office of the Associate VPAA, the individual elected is fulltime temporary (eligibility is restricted to regular faculty--determined 3/15/94). We will need to decide today whether to repoen the vacancy or wait until the 9/5 elections.

Deans' Council Notes of 1/25/95 indicate that "this subject [grade inflation] will be RTA'd following APSCUF and Faculty Senate discussions". To my knowledge, the matter of "grade inflation" is not scheduled for discussion in Faculty Senate.

As of 2/23, there were 706 undergraduates and 33 graduate students scheduled to graduate in May. The Provost will be attending our 4/10 meeting of Commencement Committee.

I have scheduled our summer meeting for Tuesday, June 13 at 3 PM (location to be announced).

The following departments need to elect 95-98 Senators between 4/1 and 5/31: Business Administration, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Health& Physical Education, Nursing, Physics, Psychology, and Special Education. I have notified each department chair and Senator by mail.

The Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee has forwarded to the Millersville "University Curriculum Committee" a resolution they passed "at a recent meeting" endorsing continued funding at current levels of public radio and television in the United States.

If you propose a motion which changes Governance Manual text and you have those changes in Word Perfect or Microsoft Word, you are requested to provide this file to me. the handout I provided last time on Admisssion/Retention and the first bulleted item above required manual typing. I remind you that I maintain a current (unofficial) Governance Manual.

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