Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment B

Faculty Senate Minutes

2 May 1995

DATE: May 2, 1995
TO: Faculty Senate
FROM Don Eidam
For your consideration: Motion re N-meeting rule

A. Course and Program Approval Procedures [p.86]{xe "Undergraduate Studies: Course and Program Modification Policies: Approval Procedures"}

Any decision of the appropriate Course and Program Review Committee may be reviewed by the Faculty Senate; however, if a decision on a new course is not challenged in the next (three) TWO senate meetings after it has been reported or if a decision on the new designation of existing courses as Liberal Arts Core, L, Perspectives, CQ, W, and/or QARC is not challenged by the next senate meeting after it has been reported, the decision will be considered approved by the sneate.

The proposal allows for a minimum of four weeks from course introduction to automatic approval, which should be adequate time for departments to scrutinize proposals. It is presented in the interest of accelerating in a small way a pipeline navigation which is burdensome by most accounts.

The number of requests for waiving the three-meeting rule is increasing, and Senate has not in recent memory refused to grant such a request.

Very few courses proposed are in fact challenged. If a new or existing course is challenged, it is the prerogative of Senate to extend the time period to allow the parties to confer and, if possible, reach accord [the G.M. does not preclude such extension, as it does not explicityly address what is to happen if a course is challenged] and/or to place the course on a future agenda for discussion and formal vote.

Immediately and retroactively upon tacit approval of the President.

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