Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment B
Faculty Senate Minutes
2 March 1999

Academic Standards Committee Appeals - Fall Semester 1998

Student'sName:________________________ S.S.#________________________ Advisor:________________________ Major: ________________________

Appeal Decision

______ Appeal Upheld/Eligible to return for the Spring 1999 semester.

______ Appeal Denied/Not eligible to return for the Spring1999 semester. Dismissal is for ___ semester(s), reapply to the University through the Admissions Office for the ____________ semester. Recommendations are in effect upon return.


Academic:(Course Changes/Repeats/Sequence/Etc.) Credit Limits: _______



Other:(Advisor Contact/Work orActivities/Financial Aid/Suggestions)

Student'sSignature: _____________________________________ Date ______________
Sub-CommitteeChair Signature: ___________________________ Date ______________

Any additional questions call Joseph Sciarretta/Academic Standards Chair at 872-3682.

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