PHYS 345-Symbolic Computational Methods in Physics

  1. Is this a general education course?
  2. Is this course a requirement or an elective for the majoriminor/option?
    This course is an elective course for all Physics B.A., B.S., and B.S.Ed. majors as well as physics minors.
  3. If this course is required, how many sections will be offered to meet the needs of majors during each semester?
    This course is an elective course and will be offered every fall semester of -add years.
  4. How will offering this course affect the capacity of the department to offer other co urses in the major/minor/option?
    This course will not affect the capacity of the department to offer other courses because it is intended to be given in alternate years with PHYS 435, Statistical Mechanics, which is offered every fall semester of even years.
  5. Identify the sequencing of how this course will be offered.
  6. What will not be offered when this course is scheduled or deleted from the department's course inventory?
    It will not be necessary to delete any physics courses since this course is to be offered in alternate years with PHYS 435: Statistical Mechanics.
  7. What is expected enrollment of this course?
    Approximately 12-15 students are expected to enroll in this course every time it is offered.
  8. Is the enrollment restricted due to pedagogical or resource issues? Explain:
    The enrollment is restricted due to a resource issue: the Roddy computer lab has only 15 licensed copies of Mathematica.
  9. Attach a copy of the advising blue sheet or a DARS document that reflects the current and proposed revisions for requirement, courses in the major/minor/option.
    Not applicable.
  10. Does this course require students to increase the number of credits in order to complete the degree?

    If yes to what extent? _____ # of credits
  11. How does this course impact other programs, departments, and units within the university?
    This course can be taken by Meteorology, Geology, Oceanography, Chemistry, and Math majors who, have the appropriate prerequisites.
  12. Will this course require additional faculty complement? If not, how does the department plan to teach the course within existing complement?
    No. This course will be offered in alternate years with PHYS 435: Statistical Mechanics. Dr. Uy has taught the course for the last 3 years under the course title PHYS 497: Topics in Modern Physics.
  13. How will this course affect the departmental student-faculty ratio?
    This course will not have any effect on the student-faculty ratio.

