Millersville University, Faculty Senate
As a recent publication notes (Strategic Enrollment
Management, Dolence, p. 16), "Any factor that influences
a student's decision to attend or continue enrolling is fair game
for enrollment management." More specifically, though,
enrollment management is conceived within the following framework
of responsibilities:
- Assessment of issues and policies regarding student
recruitment, retention, and enrollment across divisional
lines as an overall, long-term institutional effort
- Identification of institutional vulnerabilities with
regard to desired enrollment and areas of focus
- Monitoring and shaping of the size and characteristics of
the student body
- Provision of long-range planning with regard to
- Response to short-term crises affecting enrollment
Although the Enrollment Management Steering Committee has a
significant number of preliminary recommendations in several
areas, it selected three areas for major attention during its
first year. These included Admissions policies, practices, and
procedures; over-subscribed and under-subscribed majors; and
student retention with an emphasis on retention of students of
The recommendations in the area of student recruitment are
designed to address issues and concerns relating to the perceived
and actual quality of incoming students' academic preparedness as
well as the yield rate from our admitted applicant pool and
external perceptions of institutional image. The recommendations
are intended to improve results in all three areas.
Recommendations for 1998-99 are:
- Consider engaging a consulting firm to assess our
Admissions policies, practices, and procedures and
develop recommendations for enhanced effectiveness.
- Significantly increase our scholarship offerings to
attract new students, especially high-achieving students
of color.
- Develop a tracking and follow-up contact system for both
our inquiry pool and our applicant pool.
- In collaboration with Admissions consultant, develop
strategies in addition to tracking and follow-up to
increase the yield from our admitted pool of students.
- Assess and refine our approach to indices of student
quality beyond standardized test scores and high school
rank, particularly with high-risk students.
Other related recommendations include a focus on enrollment
data and planning, improvement in student satisfaction and an
increased yield of academically talented students.
Recommendations regarding potential strategies for over-and under-subscribed
majors will be forthcoming. Recommendations for 1998-99 are:
- Develop a closer interface between the Enrollment
Projections Group and the Enrollment Management Steering
- In conjunction with Admissions consultant, develop
methodology for interpretive enrollment reports as well
as a distribution list and schedule.
- Develop a list of no more than twelve truly comparable
peer institutions for Millersville University and compile
and maintain comparative longitudinal data.
- Develop a model for projecting enrollment, including:
- part-time
- out-of-state
- international
- graduate
- summer enrollment
- Develop proposal for funding of remote-access, computer-based
registration system.
- Develop a pamphlet to provide undergraduate students with
information to assist them in graduating in four years.
- Develop plan for coordination of academic support
- Develop and implement Honors College Scholarship Proposal
for 1999-00.
- Engage consultant to assess issues/questions related to
the proposed Honors College.
In the area of retention, there are successes to report
detailed in the retention plan. Areas in which to focus current
and future efforts include the following:
- Our recruitment of students of color is more successful
than our retention efforts.
- For students whose goal is graduation, retention alone is
a necessary but not sufficient condition. These students
need to be progressing also toward their goals and/or
- Our Latino recruitment, retention, and graduation rates
are not demonstrating any improvement.
Recommendations for enhancing Millersville University's
student retention, particularly the retention and graduation of
students of color are:
- Continue to support current efforts that prove successful.
- Initiate efforts to improve the recruitment, retention,
and graduation of Latino students.
- Assess need for additional academic support for students
whose first language is not English.
- Provide adequate support for tutoring assistance in
writing across disciplines.
- Provide adequate reading instruction for students testing
at below college level as freshmen.
- Assess feedback from Enrollment Management Steering
Committee student focus groups and develop responsive
- Assess social activities and institutional climate for
students of color and advance recommendations.
- Develop scholarship support and integrated academic
services recommended in enrollment management
- Re-visit policy restricting students with less than a 2.0
GPA from taking summer courses at other institutions and
transferring the credits to Millersville University.
- Implement the following approaches within the Act 10 1 /PACE
- Academic boot-camp focus
- Emphasis on reading and vocabulary skills
- Utilize University of Maryland Sedlacek Non-Cognitive
Measures Test; consider admission interviews,
develop profiles of successful special admits
- Focus on exit criteria Assign junior and senior
level successful Act 10 1 /PACE students as
mentors for freshmen
- Develop learning communities and study groups
within program
- Develop student test-taking skills
- Use acceleration concepts so that students
receive enough exposure to be successful in the
next level course.
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