Millersville University, Faculty Senate



As a recent publication notes (Strategic Enrollment Management, Dolence, p. 16), "Any factor that influences a student's decision to attend or continue enrolling is fair game for enrollment management." More specifically, though, enrollment management is conceived within the following framework of responsibilities:

Although the Enrollment Management Steering Committee has a significant number of preliminary recommendations in several areas, it selected three areas for major attention during its first year. These included Admissions policies, practices, and procedures; over-subscribed and under-subscribed majors; and student retention with an emphasis on retention of students of color.

The recommendations in the area of student recruitment are designed to address issues and concerns relating to the perceived and actual quality of incoming students' academic preparedness as well as the yield rate from our admitted applicant pool and external perceptions of institutional image. The recommendations are intended to improve results in all three areas. Recommendations for 1998-99 are:

Other related recommendations include a focus on enrollment data and planning, improvement in student satisfaction and an increased yield of academically talented students. Recommendations regarding potential strategies for over-and under-subscribed majors will be forthcoming. Recommendations for 1998-99 are:

In the area of retention, there are successes to report detailed in the retention plan. Areas in which to focus current and future efforts include the following:

  1. Our recruitment of students of color is more successful than our retention efforts.
  2. For students whose goal is graduation, retention alone is a necessary but not sufficient condition. These students need to be progressing also toward their goals and/or degrees.
  3. Our Latino recruitment, retention, and graduation rates are not demonstrating any improvement.

Recommendations for enhancing Millersville University's student retention, particularly the retention and graduation of students of color are:

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