Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

May 2, 2000

Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:10 PM in Chryst 210. All departments were represented.

Hearing no objections, the Minutes for April 18, 2000 stand approved.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson


(1) Chairperson Piperberg announced that the Summer meeting of the Senate will be held in Myers Auditorium in McComsey on June 13 at 3:00 p.m.

(2) By the June meeting, Chairperson Piperberg said that he would make available a list of vacancies on Faculty Senate committees that we will need to fill at the first meeting in the Fall, including chairmanship duties. He expressed the desire to fill all Committee chairmanships with Faculty Senators this year and encouraged members to consider being nominated for these vacancies.

(3) Chairperson Piperberg said he received the results of the faculty senator elections for five of the 10 departments. The elections are supposed to be held prior to May 31. He told members to feel free to e-mail him with the results when made available and not to forget to include the names of alternates as well.

(4) Bev Schneller, Chair of the Women's Studies Curriculum Committee has asked Chairperson Piperberg to distribute a communiq from the committee. It mentions the approval of 4 courses for the Women's Studies curriculum:

Communications 429-Gender and Communication
English 429/629-The Black Woman Writer
Economics 327-Women and Global Development
Sociology 339-Gender and Law

Also a new syllabus was approved for the Introduction to Women's Studies course which will be taught by Dr. Schneller. Another course, Psychology 327 (Acquiring Gender-Developmental Perspectives) was approved as a Women's Studies course, pending approval by UCPRC.

The committee also approved Carole Counihan to continue serving as Acting Director through 2001. Applications for the position of Director of Women's Studies will be sought by March 2001 for the three-year term to follow that will expire in 2004.

(5) Chairperson Piperberg said he had received a couple of annual reports from committee chairs. If Chairpersons were unable to bring them today, he asked that they get them to him as soon as possible. He said he would have them ready to distribute to the Senate at the June meeting.

(6) Chairperson Piperberg announced that he had received one nomination for a Science seat on the Honor Code committee so we will add that to the end of the agenda and take any other nominations for open seats at that time. Report of the Student Senate President

Student Senate President Baker reported that the allocations process was completed. It was also announced that President Baker had won the Student of the Year award for which he was congratulated by Faculty Senate.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President. None.

Report of Administrative Officers

Provost McNairy announced a conference that will be held in the Fall concerning Faculty Professional Development and Scholarship. Provost McNairy also expressed appreciation to faculty for their efforts this past year as the year has been particularly demanding.

Mary Glazier spoke briefly about strategies for strengthening the Freshman year, how to expand Freshman orientation, how to encourage improved study habits, and how to better deal with student alcohol use. The FYE Committee had met earlier in February to brainstorm some solutions. (see attachment).

Dr. Phillips added that it was imperative that faculty stress the importance of academic integrity to their students and encouraged this emphasis to be clearly articulated in all syllabi. The Provost also encouraged members to take this message back to our departments.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Jim Fenwick who is Acting Chair for UCPRC presented the following proposals:

(1) Communication and Theatre: Change in course title from Acting to Acting II. Change in number from 211 to 230.

(2) Psychology 335: Personality Theory; Gen. Ed G3 designation is sought effective as of Fall 2000.

(3) Chemistry 110: Course description has been changed for CHEM 110 and the course will now count toward elective block.

(4) Ed Foundations: To raise the GPA prerequisite for student teaching from 2.00 to 2.5.

These proposals will be considered at the meeting of Senate on June 13.

Reports of the Faculty Special Committees

Dr. Kathy Schreiber reported that the Honor Code Ad Hoc Committee had met for a second time and planned to keep in touch by e-mail over the summer months.

Proposed Courses and Programs

The following courses were approved by the Senate:

(1) New Undergraduate Course: ART 327-Art for the Exceptional Child, 3 credits. An elective for Special Education, Elementary and Art Education majors. Effective Fall 2000. Note: The original cover page for the proposal has the course listed as Art 127. The number has been changed to Art 327, which more accurately reflects the rigor and sophistication of the course content.

(2) New Graduate Course: NURS 530-Medically Vulnerable Populations and the Health Care System, 3 credits. A graduate elective. Effective Fall 2000.

Faculty Emeritus

A Mowrey/Luek motion recommending that the title of Assistant Professor of Wellness and Sport Sciences Emeritus be granted to Sandra L. Peters (see attachment) passed unanimously.

A Mowrey/Dorman motion recommending that the title of Professor of Wellness and Sport Sciences Emeritus be granted to Dr. William V. Kahler (see attachment) passed unanimously.

A Kruse/Warmkessel motion recommending that the title of Assistant Professor of Social Work Emeritus be granted to Dr. J. Robin Robb (see attachment) passed unanimously.

Change in Membership of the Faculty-Student Athletic Committee

A Frerichs/Rosenthal motion to approve Changes 1 & 2 (see below) regarding membership of non-coaching faculty on the Faculty-Student Athletic Committee was passed.

Change 1 1b-Change from "Three non-coaching faculty members are elected by the Faculty Senate for overlapping terms of three years." to

"Three faculty members, who do not have assigned responsibilities in the athletic program, are elected by the Faculty Senate for overlapping terms of three years."

Change 2 1g-Change from "The chairperson is a faculty senator elected by Faculty Senate at the first senate meeting of the Fall semester for a three year term, provided he/she retains Senate membership. This person is in addition to the three non-coaching faculty members elected by Faculty Senate." to

"The chairperson is a faculty senator, who does not have assigned responsibilities in the athletic program, elected by Faculty Senate at the first senate meeting of the Fall semester for a three year term, provided he/she retains Senate membership. ,This person is in addition to the three faculty members, who are elected by Faculty Senate and do not have assigned responsibilities in the athletic program."

The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Updated Undergraduate and Graduate Course/Program Cover Sheets

The updated cover sheets (See Minutes from April 18, 2000) were approved. They will be available on disk in the office of each Dean, from Dr. Stager, from Dr. Piperberg and in most Department offices.

The Wearing of Stoles and Cords at Commencement

In her capacity as Chairperson of the Joint Senate Conference Committee, Melinda Rosenthal made the following recommendations: (1) that graduating members of University sanctioned academically-based honorary organizations be permitted to indicate their membership in those organizations by wearing cords in colors other than gold, silver or other colors that have been previously approved for University/Departmental honors. and (2) that students chosen for membership in such organizations receive public recognition of this distinction (e.g., receiving their cords or having their names read at the Honors Convocation just prior to their graduation).

There ensued a lengthy discussion of the feasibility of implementing this change for the May Commencement. Dr. Stager declared unequivocally that it was too late to enact such a substantial change to the Commencement ceremony for this year. It was also argued whether it was fair that only academically-based organizations should be able to award such decorations. It was further noted that many organizations were already giving out decorative cords without permission of the Commencement Committee. Becky Mowrey suggested that we postpone a vote until more information was made available. The motion to postpone was seconded by Jim Fenwick and passed unanimously.

Other/New Business None.

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Miller

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