Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment A
Faculty Senate Minutes
April 17, 2001


TO: Faculty Senators

FROM: Robert K. Wismer, Chemistry, STC 214, x. 3661 or 3411,

Chair, Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee

DATE: 17 April 2001

RE: Professional Educator Programs

As I informed you at Senate on Tuesday 27 March 2001, a proposal before Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee (UCPRC) is apt to generate some discussion. This proposal has already been the major topic three meetings of Teacher Education Council (TEC). I have previously e-mailed you the essence of the proposal.

During the March 14 meeting of TEC, item 4 in that proposal was amended to read "4. Recommendation for admission by faculty teaching professional education courses." That is, the words "educational psychology or social foundations" were removed from that item.

The item that has raised considerable concern is "7. Two college-level mathematics courses." UCPRC met for two hours on Tuesday 10 April and heard from those who felt strongly about that item. One of these two courses needs to be a G2 Math course because the General Education curriculum requires it.

There are several viewpoints regarding the second Math course. A high enough standard is that it be a G2 MATH course; some say this is too high a standard. A low enough standard is that it be a 3-credit 100-level or higher Math course; some say this is too low a standard.

There are two contentious courses. The Special Education Department would like to count MATH 314 (Math for the Mentally and Physically Handicapped), principally a methods course, not G2. SPED students already take MATH 104, a 3-credit G2 course. The Mathematics and Special Education Departments have agreed to modify the content of MATH 314 to include more mathematics content in the present course.

The other contentious course is MATH 101 (College Algebra). The Math Department states that MATH 101 is truly a review of high school algebra, not properly a college course. In addition, the current population in that course really needs the course. Those students will be shut out of the course by those (Juniors and Seniors) who just take the course for an easy Math course. Or those who need the course will be distracted while in the course because others will be present who already know the material. Those who speak for transfer students, students returning for certification, and graduate students, would like to continue to count MATH 101 as the second Math course. There seemed to be little support for allowing Millersville students to register for MATH 101 as the second Math course.

UCPRC conversed by e-mail and telephone during the rest of the week and met at noon on Friday 13 April. Without dissent of those present and those voting by proxy, UCPRC voted to amend item 7 to read "7. Two three-credit mathematics courses, one of which is G2, the other any 3-credit mathematics course except MATH 101."

This proposal as amended is reproduced on the back of this page.

"The criteria for Admission to Basic Professional Educator Programs are:

  1. The completion of 60 semester hours of credit.

  2. A Millersville University minimum quality point average as follows:

  3. Qualifying scores on the Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills tests for Pennsylvania Certification as determined by the Secretary and approved by the State Board of Education of the Commonwealth.

  4. Recommendation for admission by the faculty teaching [educational psychology or social foundations professional] education courses. [Bracketed wording removed by TEC on 14 March 2001.]

  5. Satisfactory completion of:

  6. Two college-level English courses

  7. Two three-credit mathematics courses, one of which is G2, the other any 3-credit mathematics course except MATH 101. [Ammended by UCPRC on 13 April 2001. Original wording was: ‘Two college-level mathematics courses’]

  8. Satisfactory Act 34 report, satisfactory Act 151 report, and a completed background information sheet on file with the Early Field Experiences office."
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