I. Minutes of the September 16, 2003 Faculty Senate Meeting
The report from the Academic Policies Committee as it appeared in the minutes has been corrected to read: Senator Kerper reported that after surveying the faculty members at the head of the interdisciplinary programs and initiatives, the impossibility of getting everyone together for a meeting became apparent. To meet with everyone, he would have had to hold 3 to 4 meetings. Instead, he sent an e-mail explaining the policy issue with the intention of following up by phone.
The minutes were approved as amended.
II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson
Chairperson Piperberg was asked to urge senators and their colleagues to attend Commencement in December. He was also urged to ask if the low attendance is related to the high cost of renting or purchasing academic regalia. He asked senators to contact Dr. Richard Frerichs if they feel that cost of academic regalia is contributing to low attendance or if they have any ideas for increasing attendance.
Chairperson Piperberg reported that Senator Yalda will not be able to attend today's meeting because she is out of town attending other meetings. Copies of the revised Teacher/Educator of the Year Award document were available for the senators' consideration {See Attachment #1}. Senator Yalda has requested that further comments on the document be sent to her before the October 21 meeting.
Nominations and elections for At-Large seats will take place, if needed, after closing nominations for all the regular nominees for the vacant Committee seats.
III. Report of the Student Senate President
Kristin Albright, the Student Senate President, reported on the participation of senators in the "Into the Streets" activity. The student senate had the opportunity to meet with President McNairy in an informal fashion at the Cafi de Ville. They also met with the Vice President for Student Affairs. Senator Kerper asked Ms. Albright to ask student senators to consider membership on the Academic Policies Committee and the Academic Standards Committee. She also announced that she had been elected as Vice President of the Board of Student Government Presidents.
IV. Report of the Graduate Student Organization--No report.
V. Report of Administrative Officers
President Francine McNairy
President McNairy commended the students who are collaborating with students from Franklin and Marshall and Elizabethtown Colleges who are building a house for Habitat for Humanity. She encouraged members of the faculty and staff who are interested to assist the students. The work is generally performed on Saturdays.
She announced that Millersville University did very well in performance indicators as compared with benchmark institutions and got approximately 1.2 million dollars for being one of the best performers in the State System. She indicated that even when it is favorable for Millersville to be at the top, each year the expectations will be increased and this will not necessarily demonstrate accurately the real picture of the university's high performance.
Acting Provost Shane
Acting Provost Shane reported on the progress of the Academic Affairs Strategic Plan with respect to UCPRC and assessment. Two more assessment workshops are scheduled for Wednesday, October 8. Dr. Baenninger will be presenter.
The Art Department continues working toward their accreditation.
Executive Assistant to the President Phillips
Winter Session registration will begin soon. Faculty members will be receiving their students' TAP numbers in the near future. Academic advisors should keep in mind that few students have opted to switch to the new 120-credit options in their majors. Advisors should be equipped to advise the students accordingly on this issue. The Registrar's Office is starting to work on developing a Degree Audit Report for graduate students.
VI. Standing Committees
Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee
UCPRC should have some course/program proposals to introduce at the October 21 meeting.
Graduate Course and Program Review Committee
Senator Mowrey presented the proposed changes to the Transfer of Credit Policy for Graduate Studies {See Attachment #2}. The proposal will be placed on the agenda for the next Senate meeting.
Academic Policies Committee
Senator Kerper presented the Revision of the Proposed Undergraduate Incomplete Grade Policy. The proposal was distributed to the senators a couple of days before the Senate meeting by electronic mail {See Attachment #3}. Senator Wismer mentioned that members of his department were concerned about the requirement to complete Spring semester incompletes over the summer. Senator Kerper clarified that the new procedure will take care of the issue by allowing faculty members to request an extension to the Fall semester right away. Senator Sciarretta asked for clarification about some sections in the policy as well. Registrar Deen explained that the new policy should take care of the issue of leaving incomplete grades in a student's transcript.
The vote on the policy was postponed until the next meeting on a Schaffer/Muller motion to give the opportunity for senators to share the policy with their departments.
VII. Special Committees
General Education Task Force
Senator Foster-Clark indicated that more small group discussions about proposed changes in general education will be scheduled for those who could not attend the first round of meetings.
Ad Hoc Honor Code
Chairperson Piperberg encouraged Senators again to volunteer to serve as chair of the committee. If no one volunteers, he will start asking people to serve in that capacity.
VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs--None.
IX. Faculty Emeritus
A resolution supporting Dr. John B. Osborne for Professor of History Emeritus {See Attachment #4} passed without dissent after Frankum/Bookmiller motion.
X. Elections
Nominations were opened and closed for the vacant Committee seats for all regular nominees. Nominations for the At- Large seats for those seats that remained unfilled proceeded.
A Mowrey/Lynch motion directing the secretary to cast a ballot in favor of nominees for uncontested seats was passed without dissent. The elections for contested seats were conducted.
XI. Discussion of Teacher/Educator of the Year Award
Senator Yalda submitted an updated draft of the Teacher/Educator of the Year Award proposal. {See Attachment #1} The discussion was postponed until the October 21 meeting since Senator Yalda could not attend the October 7 meeting. She requested that any further corrections or additions to the proposal should be sent to her before the October 21 meeting.
XII. Other/New Business
Senator Schaffer inquired on the existence of a policy for students who choose to respect the picket lines in the event of a strike. Senator Heintzelman, who is the APSCUF representative to the Senate, will inquire on the existence of such policy and report on the question at the October 21 meeting.
Senator Kerper from the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Department announced that his department will not participate in the Teacher/Educator of the Year Award. A memo will be distributed stating this in writing and explaining the department's objection to the award.
Senator Sciarretta commended the faculty for diligently sending in reports about the students who participate in his program. He announced that the request for these reports will be coming very soon and asked faculty members to continue completing them as efficiently as before.
Chairperson Piperberg reminded the senators that this is his last year in that role. Anyone interested in being considered for the position is encouraged to ask him questions. Elections will take place the third week in January at the first meeting of the Spring 2004 semester.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elba I. Rohena
Senate Secretary