Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment #3
Faculty Senate Minutes
February 4, 2003

IUP University Senate Resolution Against
State System Office Activities

Whereas, the establishment of a common calendar, the imposition of system-wide graduation requirements, and the creation of a system-wide curricular process have by-passed the power and duty of the university presidents "to makespecific campus policies pertaining to instructional programsfollowing consultation with council, faculty, and students"

And Whereas, the Chancellor did not "conduct comprehensive planning in consultation with representatives of the trustees, presidents, faculties, students, and alumnito establish priorities and procedures for the operation and development among the institutions, with respect to the role and scope of each institution, instructional programs, research programs, and public service programs" as stated in ' 20-2005-A of Act 188 of 1982, prior to the establishment and implementation of the common calendar and system-wide graduation requirements by the Chancellor and the Board of Governors,

And Whereas, '20-2010-A of Act 188 of 1982 grants the power "to establish policies and procedures governing the use of institutional facilities and property in accordance with guidelines established by the local council" to the president of the university and the council of trustees has the power "to review and approve the recommendations of the president pertaining to policies and procedures governing the use of institutional facilities and property" as stated in ' 20-2009-A of Act 188 of 1982, thereby giving the power to determine when the university shall operate to the individual university and not to the Chancellor and the Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education,

And Whereas, ' 20-2010-A of Act 188 of 1982 grants the power "to make and implement specific campus policies pertaining to instructional programs, research programs, and public service programs and academic standards in accordance with policies of the Board following consultation with council, faculty, and students" to the president of the university and the council of trustees has the power "to approve schools and academic programs" as stated in ' 20-2009-A of Act 188 of 1982, while allowing the Board of Governors only "to establish broad fiscal, personnel, and educational policies under which the institutions of the System shall operate"

And Whereas, "The Mission and the Original Strategic Direction Statements for the State System of Higher Education" established "eight distinguishing features," providing broad criteria for the system universities while allowing each community to maintain its distinct mission

And Whereas, ' 20-2016-A of Act 188 of 1982 limits the Board of Governors and Chancellor to an operating budget of only 0.5% of university operating expenses including "any federal appropriation, any state appropriation, any student tuition fees and any student fees for room and board," implies limited centralization

And Whereas, the individuality of each university is paramount in providing fourteen valuable and distinctive academic communities within the State System of Higher Education and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Be it therefore resolved, that speaking in solidarity, the students, faculty, staff, and administration of The University Senate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania oppose the lack of observation of the mission of the State System of Higher Education and Act 188 of 1982 as they were intended and the current trends of centralization demonstrated by the Chancellor and Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education

Be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Chancellor Hample, the current (2002) and subsequent (2003) State System of Higher Education Board of Governors, Governor Rendell, and the other 13 State System of Higher Education University Senates.

ACT 188 of 1882 Highlights

Section 20-2003-A. - Purposes and General Powers
(a) The State System of Higher Education shall be part of the Commonwealth's system of higher education. Its purpose shall be to provide high quality education at the lowest possible cost to the students. The primary mission of the System is the provision of instruction for undergraduate and graduate students to and beyond the master's degree in the liberal arts and sciences and in applied fields, including the teaching profession.

Section 20-2005 A. - The Chancellor
(8) The chancellor shall conduct comprehensive planning in consultation with representatives of the trustees, presidents, faculties, students, and alumni, and within the policies established by the Board to establish priorities and procedures for the operation and development among the institutions, with respect to the role and scope of each institution, instructional programs, research programs, and public service programs.

<>Section 20-2006-A. - Powers and Duties of the Board of Governors
(4) To establish broad fiscal, personnel, and educational policies under which the institutions of the System shall operate.

(15) To do and perform generally all of those things necessary and required to accomplish the role and objectives of the System.

Section 20-2009-A. - Powers and Duties of Councils of Trustees
(4) To review and approve the recommendations of the president pertaining to policies and procedures governing the use of institutional facilities and property.

(5) To approve schools and academic programs.

Section 20 2010 A. - Power and Duties of Institution Presidents
(2) To make and implement specific campus policies pertaining to instructional programs, research programs, and public service programs and academic standards in accordance with policies of the Board following consultation with council, faculty, and students.

(3) To develop and implement policies and procedures for the administration of the institution. To develop and implement, in conjunction with the local campus student government association, policies and procedures by which student organizations may be created and operated.

(5) To establish policies and procedures governing the use of institutional facilities and property in accordance with guidelines established by the local council.

(16) Consistent with the policies of the Board to do and perform all of those other things necessary and required for the orderly operation of the institution.


System Goal 2-6:
Increase program quality through the identification of and support for university "spheres of excellence" intended to serve a statewide clientele. These determinations will be made by System universities and reported to and agreed upon with the Chancellor.

Adopted on December 3, 2002, by the IUP University Senate.

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