Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Attachment #1
Faculty Senate Minutes
February 17, 2004

Web Grading Pilot Project Evaluation -- Fall 2003

January 2004

Nearly 200 faculty in seven departments, including Biology, Business Administration, Elementary & Early Childhood Education, English, Industry and Technology, Mathematics, and Psychology participated in a pilot project to enter their final grades for the Fall 2003 semester online using Banner's Web for Faculty software. Recently we surveyed faculty to get feedback on how they liked the system, as well as their comments and suggestions for improvements. We received 79 responses, which are summarized below.

Summary of Responses:

Below Average
NA/No opinion
Percent Who Rated "Good" or "Outstanding"
Web-grading demonstration at departmental meeting: 28 18 9 6 18 58%
Small group, hands-on training session: 15 9 0 0 55 30%
Written instructions provided for web grading: 44 22 1 2 10 84%
Dates (December 10-17) and hours (6am-11pm) of web grading: 44 22 4 2 7 84%
Navigation of web-grading screens: 47 23 3 4 2 89%
On-line (web) "HELP" text 14 6 0 3 56 25%
Electronic grade roster addenda: 22 11 2 5 39 42%
Convenience of web grading versus op-scan form: 66 6 1 3 3 91%
Web grading assistance provided by staff of the Registrar's Office: 30 6 0 0 43 46%

Summary of Comments and Suggestions

Based on feedback we received from the Web Grades Survey, we will address the following issues and concerns as we plan to extend the web grading option to all faculty in May 2004:

  1. Most comments were very positive and favorable - faculty liked the system, found it convenient, easy to use, and for the most part, self-explanatory.

  2. Concerns about overall security: distribution of Banner user ID's and passwords to faculty; FERPA issues - knowing whether student email inquiries about grades are really from the student; and long-term maintenance of sign-on IDs used to process grades from term to term.

  3. Need to improve the print feature: include an option to print the entire final grade roster instead of screen prints. (Will be available for Spring 2004 grading)

  4. Concerns about students being able to see grades on the web (DARS degree audits) while faculty are entering them. (Note: this is not a change from past semesters. Students have always been able to view their final grades in DARS as soon as the grade roster is scanned.)

  5. Requests for extended hours to enter grades online; December hours were 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. During the May 2004 grading period the system will be available daily from 5 a.m. to midnight.

  6. Variety of reactions about the need for hands-on training versus group demos, help sessions, or providing simple instructions. Points out the need to provide different training options for faculty to meet varying styles and comfort levels with computer technology.

  7. Review Banner web navigation (menu sequences, changing terms or grade rosters, scrolling to next page, etc.) and improve work flow and messages, if possible.

  8. Explore possibility of direct email to faculty when grades have been processed or changed on web; also investigate a way to notify faculty of missing/unsubmitted grades. Note: in May 2004 faculty will be able to print complete class lists with grades submitted, which will help to identify missing grades during the web grading period.

  9. Improve the addendum form - add a lookup to find a student by name. (Will be available for May 2004 grading period)

  10. Review web grade worksheet layout and eliminate unnecessary information, such as registration sequence numbers. (Will be revised for May 2004 grading period)

Web Grading Timeline
Millersville University - Registrar's Office
February 17, 2004

Fall 2003: Pilot project with 7 academic departments
Completed in December 2003

Spring 2004: Web grading will be available for all MU faculty
While on-line grading will not be mandatory for Spring 2004, we strongly encourage all faculty to submit their final grades on the web. Final grade rosters will not be distributed; however, paper forms will be sent to individual faculty on request.

April 1 Email announcement to all faculty; will include web grading instructions and optional training schedule
April 19-29 Web grades training (optional): Registrar staff will provide 30-minute training sessions for faculty who need assistance
April 28-May 5 Web grading system available to enter final grades on-line
May 5 Spring 2004 final grades due by 12 midnight via web
(Op-scan grade rosters due in Registrar's Office by 4:30 p.m.)
May 7 Final grades available to students on MAX web by 12 noon
Week of May 10 Registrar's Office will distribute class lists with grades to all faculty as confirmation of final grades submitted.

Summer 2004: Web grading will be available for all MU faculty
Same as Spring 2004. As a convenience to summer faculty, web grading will be available on a weekly basis as each course is completed - no need to wait until the end of a summer term to process final grades.

Fall 2004 and beyond: All final grades will be processed on-line via Banner web
Printed grade rosters and op-scan processing will be discontinued. Registrar's Office will offer optional training sessions for faculty. Individual training sessions, access to a PC or other accommodations will be provided for faculty who are unable to use Banner web to process their grades.

Banner Web for Faculty: USER'S GUIDE
Registrar's Office - Spring 2004

(Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer is the recommended browser)

  1. Start on MU home page,
  2. Choose "Faculty and Staff" link in Information box, left side
  3. Choose the Banner Web icon on left (black circle with blue label)
  4. Enter User ID (M000xxxxx)
    Suggestion: bookmark the sign-on page for quick reference later!
  5. Enter 6-digit PIN
  6. Choose "Faculty Services" on the menu
  7. Choose "Instructor" menu
  8. Choose "Final Grades" - see further instructions below


Note: Access to final grades on Banner Web for Faculty is available only at the end of a term, or for courses of shorter duration, at the end of the course. The Registrar's Office will provide you with the specific dates when the web grading period is open.

Step 1 - Choose the term for which you are processing grades

Step 2 - From the drop-down menu, select a course to grade

Step 3 - Enter grades. Submit your work frequently to save it - every time you click the "Submit" key, you restart the 30-minute time limit for entering grades. See next page for more detailed instructions.

Step 4 - (Optional) Print a class list with the grades you submitted for your records.

Step 5 - When you are finished submitting grades, log off your web account by clicking the "EXIT" key in the upper right corner of the web grades screen.

Students are listed alphabetically in blocks of 25 per page. Grades may be entered for all students at once, or for only selected students. You may return to the final grade roster at any time during the grading period to enter more grades or change grades. The open window for processing grades on-line will close on the due date. After the deadline, all grade changes must be submitted using grade change forms with appropriate approvals.


All Millersville faculty have been assigned a User ID and PIN for the Banner Web for Faculty system. Your User ID (M00xxxxxx) is a 9-character identifier starting with a capital "M" followed by zeroes (not letter "o") and numbers.

Your PIN is a 6-digit number of your choosing. The first time you sign on, it is your birth date in the format MMDDYY. For example, July 1, 1949 is 070149. You will be required to change your PIN to a different number the first time you access the system.

For problems with your User ID or PIN, call Human Resources at 872-3017 or the Registrar's Office at 872-3035 for assistance. Department secretaries are only able to look up your User ID, not the PIN.

The first time you use Banner Web for faculty, you will get a message that your PIN has expired and you must change it to continue. Follow directions to enter your old PIN, type your new PIN (must be a 6-digit number), and retype the new PIN to confirm. Next time you sign on, use your new PIN. You have the option to change your PIN at any time after that by selecting "Personal Information" on the menu, then "Change PIN." You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account - please keep your PIN confidential and change it regularly!

First-time users will be prompted to create a security question to be used in the event that you forget your PIN. Enter a question and an answer in the spaces provided. To keep your account secure, we suggest that your question have a simple answer that only you know. (For example, Q: What is my uncle's nickname? A: Bud) If someone else can guess your answer, your account - and your access to student grading - is not secure.

Enter your User ID, leave the PIN blank, and click "Forgot PIN." Type the answer to your security question (punctuation and spelling must match) and click "Submit answer." You will then need to change your PIN to a new number before you continue.

Call the Registrar's Office at 872-3035 or 871-5569.


How to enter grades:
Click on the drop-down box in the "Grade" column and choose the final grade. You can use the mouse, or press the arrows (ba) on your keyboard to move up and down the list of valid grades. Or, just type the letter grade in the box. Only grades that are valid for that course and the student's level (U/G) can be entered. Shortcuts: to enter +/- grades, press the letter grade again to toggle among B/B+/B- without having to type the plus or minus. Pressing the tab key twice goes to the grade block for the next student.

More than 25 students in class:
Classes with more than 25 students enrolled are displayed in sets of 25 students. Be sure to click the Submit button to save grades on one page and restart the 30-minute limit before choosing the next set of records.

Grade a different course:
When you are finished entering grades for one course, be sure to Submit grades to save them. Use the link on the bottom of the grades worksheet to choose another course.

Navigating menus, changing Terms, etc.:
To return to a previous menu, use the "RETURN TO MENU" link in the menu on the upper right. You can also use the Back key, but be sure to Submit your grades before doing so. On the Instructor menu, choose "Term Selection" to change terms, or "Course/CRN Selection" to choose a different course to grade.

Changing Grades during Web Grading Period:
Select the class list, find the student, and select a new grade in the grade box. Click the Submit button to save the grade change. You can change grades as necessary until grades have been rolled to academic history. (See the "Rolled" column next to the grade column: Y=rolled, N=not yet rolled).

Changing Grades after Web Grading Closes:
After the grade submission deadline, all grade changes must be submitted on a paper grade change form with appropriate approval signatures.

Students Who Withdrew:
If a student officially withdrew from your class, you will not be able to submit a final grade. The "Registration Status" column will indicate **Withdrawn** and a date, and there will be no pop-down grade box.

"Confidential" message:
Occasionally the word "Confidential" will appear in red in the Registration Status column for a student on your grade worksheet. Such a student has exercised his or her rights under FERPA to request that the Registrar's Office set a confidentiality flag on the student's record. No information about this student - including directory information such as address or phone - may be released to any third party.

Missing Students and Errors:
Use the Addendum link on the final grade worksheet to submit the names and grades of any students missing from your final grade roster, or to make notes about students on that course list. Be sure you click the Addendum link from the correct class because it will automatically identify that course on an email sent to the Registrar's Office. If you do not know the student's ID, you can use the name search on your web account: return to the menu, choose "Student Information" and "ID Selection." Or, you can also ask your department secretary for assistance.

Printing Grades Worksheet:
Class lists with the grades you submitted will be printed and distributed to faculty after grades processing has been completed. In the meantime, you can print a class list with your final grades to keep for your records - use the link provided. Please check your list carefully to be sure no grades have been left blank.

When Can Students See Their Grades?
When you submit final grades on the web, undergraduate students will be able to view them on their DARS degree audits. (Note: this is not new - students have always been able to see their grades on degree audits as soon as a final grade roster was scanned.) Students cannot see grades on a web transcript or a final grade report until after the grade submission deadline when final grades are processed by the Registrar's Office.

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