Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Attachment #2
Faculty Senate Minutes
June 20, 2006


To: Faculty Senate
CC: Department Chairs
From: Lillie S. West, Chair of Academic Policies
Re: Course Prerequisite Proposal

May 2, Senate Meeting

Academic Policies Committee recommends the following addition and changes to both the undergraduate catalog and Governance Manual. As requested the committee has considered your requests.

1. Add language that courses taken at Millersville University must be retaken at Millersville:

This language is clearly stated in the Undergraduate Catalog under the heading Repeat Policy. The committee recommends that the categories under the heading, Grading Policies, be changed. As shown on the attached sheet, the Repeat Policy would be moved to follow Z-Grade (Z). This will place the language, “Courses failed at Millersville must be repeated at Millersville in order to earn course credit and credit toward graduation. Students may not transfer credit for any course taken at another institution that is the equivalent of a course previously taken at Millersville: this policy applies whether the course was passed or failed at Millersville University,” on the same page as the Course Prerequisite policy.

2. Add language for timeframe for removing students from a class:

“The professor will notify the Registrar and student by the end of the drop period” has been added to the policy.

3. Implementation procedures.

The committee recommends that each department determine the procedure that will work best. Rationale:

Each department has different needs.

Some departments have existing procedures.

No one procedure seemed to work for every department.

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