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4. Isolate a 1- or 2-day embryo. Clean your dissecting equipment and prepare a fresh dish of Howard's. Clean an egg and break it into a sterile 100 mm Petri dish.
The embryo may not be visible to the naked eye. The blastodisc is located above a small ring of white yolk.

5. Drop a filter paper disc around your embryo. Hold on to the filter paper with fine forceps and cut around the ring with your sharp scissors. Transfer the embryo to a small petri dish with Howard's Ringer's solution.

Isolation of 2-day chick embryo using filter paper ring

Top left - 2-day chick egg with filter paper circle around blastodisc.
Top right - 2-day embryos isolated into Howards Ringers
Bottom left - 2-day (HH stage 10+) embryo, dorsal view
Bottom right - 2-day (HH stage 10+) embryo, ventral view

6. Examine both embryos. Pay particular attention to the heart and circulation, and to the developing neural tube. Compare the heart rate between the 2 embryos. Which side was towards the yolk? The reddish spots on the 2-day blastodisc are the blood islands, the sites of hematopoesis. The embryo is covered with a clear protein layer known as the vitelline membrane. This may start to peel away from the embryo.

7. For each embryo, determine the H&H stage. How do these embryos compare to the stained specimens?

8. Clean your instruments well with warm water, distilled water and 70% ethanol. Dry before returning to case. Discard the shells and the yolk/albumin remains.

Instructor's prep list

©Cebra-Thomas, 2000

Last Modified: 25 May 2006

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