Retinoic acid-induced
truncation of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Sean Anderson
Biology 024: Embryology
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
Spring 2004
See Also: Ligas, Adam
The purpose of this experiment is to examine
the effects of treating zebrafish (Danio rerio)
embryos with retinoic acid according to gross morphology and
to examine the extent to which the magnitude of the effects
is dependent on the concentration of retinoic acid with
which the embryos are treated.
Retinoic acid (RA) is a highly teratogenic
derivative of vitamin A that is known to influence Hox gene
expression. RA-mediated gene activation is important for
normal vertebrate development; RA acts as a posteriorizing
signal in many developing systems, including mammals, and is
also involved in limb formation (Gilbert, 2003).
When embryonic exposure is higher than normal, however,
developmental anomalies occur. Exposure of the human fetus
to 13-cis-retinoic acid results in a characteristic pattern
of anomalies, including absent or defective ears, absent or
small jaws, cleft palate, aortic arch abnormalities, thymic
deficiencies, and abnormalities of the central nervous
system. Similar anomalies are observed in other mammals. In
mice, for example, embryonic exposure to retinoic acid
results in axial truncation and causes a dramatic reduction
in the sizes of the first and second pharyngeal arches,
which normally form the jaw, ear, and other facial bones
(Gilbert, 2003; Ligas, 2000). The truncated embryo exhibits
a posterior region having the characteristics of the
anterior region of an embryo that had developed normally,
including a posterior extension of the ribcage. At very high
concentrations, the cells do not differentiate to form the
posterior of the embryo at all (Ligas, 2000).
Retinoic acid disrupts development by altering the
expression of Hox genes, causing the re-specification of the
anterior–posterior axis and inhibition of neural crest
cell migration from the cranial region of the neural tube
(Gilbert, 2003). Retinoic acid cannot bind directly to
genes, so in order to affect gene expression, the retinoic
acid molecule needs to bind to specific retinoic acid
receptors (RAR). After binding, the receptor becomes an
active transcription factor. The retinoic acid-bound RARs
have at least two modes of action, one of which is to bind
to their DNA enhancer sequences and activate particular
genes that are not usually activated in these cells. These
genes include certain homeotic genes that specify the
anterior-posterior position along the body axis. In this
way, they can cause homeotic transformations, generally
converting anterior structures into more posterior
structures (Gilbert, 2003). In the embryo, there is a
gradient of retinoic acid from the anterior end to the
posterior end. Excess RA results in a posterior region
having a higher than normal level of RA, and so more
anterior Hox genes are expressed in typically posterior
regions (Ligas, 2000).
Zebrafish embryos have been shown to exhibit truncation
similar to that observed in mice embryos (Ligas, 2000). In
order to further examine the effect of retinoic acid on
zebrafish embryos and to determine whether the magnitude of
such effects is concentration dependent, the embryos will be
treated with different concentrations of retinoic acid and
allowed to continue development. Development will later be
examined at different times according to gross
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