Care and maintainance
of zebrafish
Zebrafish are common
aquarium fish and are relatively easy to maintain. They
breed best from about 6 to 18 months of age. Adult fish can
be obtained from most pet stores; these are usually young
and require at least 1 month of intensive feeding to reach
breeding form. Alternately, fish can be obtained from
Carolina Biologicals (800-334-5551), although I have
received fish of variable age from Carolina. Fish should be
fed 2 or 3 times a day, no more than they can consume in 10
minutes. One of these feedings can be a rich protein source,
such as live brine shrimp, although this does not appear to
be necessary. I feed a variety of TetraMin flakes (all
purpose, shrimp, vegetable-based). Decrease feeding if fish
are not to be bred for a while. Fish should be kept in tanks
bare of gravel and with filters that will not pick up eggs
when laid, such as sponge type biofilters. Clean tanks by
siphoning debris from the bottom and replacing approximately
a third of the water once a week. In most cases, fish will
thrive in dechlorinated tap water; alternately, tank water
can be constructed from deionized water by adding 60 mg
Instant Ocean per liter. Use a heater to maintain the
temperature at approximately 28°C (80-82°F) and a
light with a timer to give a 14 hour light:10 hour dark
