A. Isolation of Zebrafish Embryos
1. The night before embryo collection, vacuum the tank well
with a siphon to remove debris several hours after the last
2. Deposit a layer of washed marbles to cover the entire
bottom surface of the tank.
3. Do not disturb for the first hour after dawn to allow
fish to mate.
4. Collect embryos and fertilized eggs from between the
marbles with a siphon then and collect with a fine fry net
or mesh filter.
5. Transfer the net to a glass dish full of tank water and
examine the embryos with a dissecting microscope at low
6. Transfer healthy embryos to a clean glass Petri dish
containing embryo media with large-bore glass Pasteur
pipettes. Discard any that are cloudy or ruptured.
7. When not being used for the experiment, the embryos
should be kept at 28°C (Zebrafish embryos’ rapid
development makes constant temperature crucial for obtaining
a reproducible group of embryos for experimentation).
*protocol adopted from DB lab
Isolation of Zebrafish Embryos
B. Ethanol Treatment
1. Select 40 healthy zebrafish embryos that are at 30%
epiboly stage (Figure 1 below).
2. Prepare four separate petri dishes that contain each of
the following four: normal
zebrafish embryo medium, 1%, 2%, and 3% ethanol zebrafish
embryo medium
3. Take embryos out of the incubator (set at 28°C) and
place 10 zebrafish embryos
into each petri dish. Place all four dishes in the
incubator. Then wait for 3 hours
for the ethanol to take effect.
4. After the 3 hours, remove the dishes from the incubator
and move the embryos
into new petri dishes containing normal zebrafish embryo
solution. Different
batches of embryos must go into different dishes. Place the
dishes in the
incubator and wait for 24 hours.
5. Return after 24 hours. Observe the embryos for
abnormalities and photograph
6. Return 24 hours later to observe the embryos for
abnormalities. Photograph them.
*protocol adapted from:
The Effects of Ethanol on Zebrafish
Development: Jeff Mindel,

Figure 1. Zebrafish embryo at 30% epiboly
stage (4 3/2 h). Top is the animal pole.
1 2
3 4 5