The role of Protein Tyrosine
Phosphatase g (PTPg) in primitive hematopoeisis in the
Ibro Ambeskovic and Jessica Ann
The putative receptor PTPg is expressed widely during
murine and avian embryogenesis(Jeannine Mendrola and Kay Heubner,
Thomas Jefferson Unversity), One project in my lab involves the
analysis of the potential role of PTPg in primitive hematopoesis in
the chick. In ovo, both blood vessels and blood cells first appear in
the region surrounding the embryo. This can be replicated in embryos
cultured on egg white-agarose plates. We have used synthetic
oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) to investigate wheter or not the
expression of PTPg is required for primitive hematopoesis. The embyos
are treated with ODNs whose sequence is complementary to the PTPg
mRNA (antisense) or with ODNs of the same composition in a scrambled
sequence as a control. The inhibition of PTPg expression appears to
result in an inhibition in blood formation.
Left: expression of chick PTPg in stage 18
Right: expression of the neural crest
marker HNK-1
Chick embryos were incubated for 24 hours,
isolated and treated with lipofectin in Opti-MEM medium
(left panels), antisense oligonucleotide targeting PTPg mRNA
(center panels) or an oligonucleotide with the same
nucleotide composition in a scrambled order (right panels).
The embryos were then cultured on egg white-agarose plates
and the appearance of blood formation was detected