their signal by binding to a
fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) which has an
intracellular protein tyrosine kinase domain. The tyrosine
kinase domain is activated upon FGF binding, resulting in
the activation of a transcription factor by means of a
signal transduction cascade
(Gilbert2000). Specifically,
it has been demonstrated that FGF10 signaling is required
for limb bud initiation (Min et al. 1998). Also, it has been
demonstrated that FGF8 is necessary to define the hindbrain
and forebrain in early chick development (2000).
Another paracrine factor,
Sonic hedgehog (SHH), is crucial to many developmental
processes such as the dorsal-ventral specification of the
neural tube, limb development, lung development, and
craniofacial development. SHH functions by binding to a
transmembrane receptor, Patched (Ptc). In the presence of
SHH, Ptc initiates a signal transduction cascade
bythat ultimately results in
the transcriptional activity of a target gene (Gilbert
2000). Inhibiting SHH signaling using cyclopamine results in
the cyclopia, the fusion of frontal facial processes.
Chicks were exposed to SU5402, a fibroblast growth factor
inhibitor, to study the effects on development. During chick
embryo development, sonic hedgehog and FGF signals work in a
feedback loop which allows for development in various areas,
especially the craniofacial region. Since FGF is a major
chemical signal in development and closely associated with
SHH, developmental defects were expected when exposed to the
inhibitor. Chick eggs were injected after 2 days of
incubation with a control solution, DMSO and Howard Ringer's