The effects of ethanol on
head diameter Since a significant difference
occurred in head diameter between the different ethanol
exposed groups to the control, we conclude that NCC were
indeed affected by the single ethanol treatment
2, Table
1, Table
2). This supports previous
research in this area (Blader and Strähle, 1998,
Cartwright and Smith, 1995, Rifas et al., 1997, and Sulik et
al., 1988). We conclude that a critical level of ethanol was
reached because we noted significant differences among the
test groups to the control. Similar to our results for body
mass and beak length, a great deal of, but less, variation
was observed (Figure
2). Continued research should
use a larger sample size to determine if the observed amount
of variation is acceptable or if the variation using the
same protocol will decrease. |
Last Modified: 2 May 2000
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