1 2
3 4  
Blastomere Separation
- The cells were then separated into 3 100 ml beakers
full of ASW. Care was taken so as not to add too much of
the seawater-PABA solution.
- We then waited for the control culture to cleave for
the first time.
- Then most of the water was poured from the first
experimental culture.
- The beaker was gently filled with hypertonic
seawater. The culture was then checked after 5 minutes to
see whether osmotic shrinkage caused the cells to
separate. The solution was replaced with additional
hypertonic seawater if they had not separated.
- We waited 10 minutes after the cells show osmotic
- The hypertonic solution was poured off and replaced
it with normal seawater. This was repeated.
- Steps 3-6 were repeated for the second experimental
culture once the control group cleaved a third time.
- The embryos were allowed to develop and observed at
different stages in their growth.