Math placement or any 100-level mathematics course is the prerequisite for this course.
Dr. Buchanan
Office: Wickersham 216, Phone: 872-3659, FAX: 871-2320
Office Hours: 10:00AM-10:50AM (MTu_ThF), or by appointment
Course URL:
Fundamentals of Statistics, 2nd edition, Michael Sullivan, Prentice Hall Publishing, Upper Saddle River, NJ (2008) ISBN: 0-13-156987-2.
MATH 130 is an introductory probability and statistics course requiring no prior background in these topics. Students will need some skills with elementary algebra and a calculator (a TI-83 or TI-84 is ideal). Throughout this course and semester the instructor plans:
Students are expected to attend all class meetings. If you must be absent from class on the day an assignment is due, you must complete and hand in the assignment prior to the absence. If you know you will be absent on the day of a test, you must notify me before the time the test is scheduled in order to schedule a make-up test. Students who miss a test should provide a valid excuse, otherwise you will not be allowed to make up the test. No final exam exemptions.
Students are expected to do their homework and participate in class. Students should expect to spend a minimum of three hours outside of class on homework and review for every hour spent in class. Homework problems from the textbook will be assigned nearly every class meeting. You should work all of these problems neatly and keep them organized for use when studying for tests and the final examination since the test and exam problems will be similar in wording and difficulty to the exercises in the textbook. Periodically throughout the semester I will ask that you hand in some of the textbook problems for grading. You will have at least two days' notice of the homework problems to be handed in for grading. Graded assignments may also include computer assignments using the statistical software, Minitab. Homework will not be accepted late without a valid excuse. In no case will late homework be accepted after an assignment has been graded and returned to the class. Discussion between students on homework assignments is encouraged, but each student must keep their own separately written copy of the homework assignments.
There will be three 75-minute in-class tests and a comprehensive final examination. The tests are tentatively scheduled for
The comprehensive final examination is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2008, from 8:00AM-10:00AM.
Course grade will be calculated as follows.
Tests | 60% |
Exam | 25% |
Homework | 15% |
Tests and the final examination will be graded individually on a
100-point scale.
Graded homework assignments may consist of a variable number of
problems worth ten points each.
I keep a record of students' test, homework, and exam scores.
Students should also keep a record of graded
assignments, tests, and other materials.
As an example of the calculation of the numerical course grade,
suppose a student's four test grades were 87, 78, 65, and 70 (out of a
maximum of 100 points on each test), the student's final examination
grade was 71 (again, out of a maximum of 100).
Suppose seven homework assignment were collected and the student's
grades were ,
, and
This hypothetical student's numerical course grade would be calculated
according to the formula
90-92 | A![]() |
93-100 | A | ||
80-82 | B![]() |
83-86 | B | 87-89 | B![]() |
70-72 | C![]() |
73-76 | C | 77-79 | C![]() |
60-62 | D![]() |
63-66 | D | 67-69 | D![]() |
0-59 | F |
An undergraduate student may not take an undergraduate course of
record more than three times.
A course of record is defined as a
course in which a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, (including
) F, U, Z or W.
The academic department offering a course may
drop a student from a course if the student attempts to take a course
more than three times.1
The last day to withdraw from a course (and receive the W grade) is March 28, 2008.
If we should miss a class day due to a school closing because of weather, any activities planned for that missed day will take place the next time the class meets. For example, if a test is scheduled for a day that class is canceled on account of snow, the test will be given the next time the class meets.