Millersville University, Faculty Senate

Academic Policies Committee

1996-97 Annual Report to Faculty Senate

Submitted 5/6/97 by Kirsten Bookmiller, Chair

1996-1997 Members Representing Term Expires
Kelsey Backels Counseling 1998
Kirsten Bookmiller Chair
(Commenced Spring 1997)
Richard France Mathematics 1997
Christince Gaudry-Hudson Foreign Languages 1998
Richard Glenn Political Science 1997
Verne Hauck Industry and Tech
(Acting Chair, Fall 1996
Mark Iannone Chemistry 1998
Alan Kelly English 1997
Amber Lo Business Administration 1998
Sandor Szollos Psychology 1998
James Stager Designee of Provost and VPAA (ex-officio)
Mariano Gonzalez Registrar (ex-officio)
Zakiyyah Davis Student Senate Representative
Scott Keddie Student Senate Representative

As Academic Policies was without a chair from Faculty Senate during Fall 1996, committee member Verne Hauck generously agreed to serve as acting APC chair during that time. Three new members joined the committee in Spring 1997. They included a new chair, Faculty Senator Kirsten Bookmiller, plus Kelsey Backels and Richard Glenn, who filled the vacancies for non-School and Social Sciences respectively.

Without a permanent chair, meetings were not held on a set schedule in Fall 1996. In spring 1997 meeting were held on first and third Thursdays from 2:30-4:30 pm. Average attendance was 11 members. Two meetings were held during Fall 1996 (October 23 and 30) while six meetings were held during the Spring 1997 semester.

Motions Forwarded to Senate:
5 Nov. 1996 *Departmental Handbook Policy
15 April 1997 *Amendment to Academic Minors Policy
6 May 1997 *Revision of Governance Manual due to Implementation of Plus/Minus Grading System
*Amendment to Options Policy

Other Deliberations/Actions:

1 May 1996 APC advised Associate Provost Stager concerning the issue of Perspectives Course Waivers. It was the recommendation of the committee that a student who has a perspectives course requirement waiver can also have the actual credit requirement waived.

Matters Currently in Committee:
Course and Program Change Procedures

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