Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

1 March 1994

Chairperson D. Eidam called the meeting of the Faculty Senate to order at 4:08 p.m. in Chryst Hall 210. All departments except Social Work were represented. J. Haugh, T. Cawley, and E. Koveski represented the Student Senate. Brian Weaver attended for The Snapper.

Minutes Senator O. Iglesias, chair of the International Studies Curriculm Committee, requested a rewording of the second sentence of her report (p. 3537) to reflect the following: "At their meeting February 15, the committee endorsed their subcommittee's recommendation for curricular changes." Additionally, Dr. Stager clarified his remarks regarding scheduling of final exams to state "Working with Registrar M. Gonzalez, Dr. Stager said they 'attempt to minimize the possibility students would have no more than two final exams on the same day'" (p. 3538). The verb phrase "was approved" was inadvertently omitted from #2 of the Action Summary "MATH 238" (p. 3539). Hearing no further amendments or corrections, the minutes of 15 February were approved without dissent.



D. Eidam circulated a "Get Well" card for Senators to sign, so he can send it to Vice-President Reighard, who is hospitalized at Lancaster General. For information purposes, Chairperson Eidam distributed three handouts showing the Capital Campaign Progress Report and Capital Campaign Annual Fund Status as of 25 February (Appendix B), the Medal Fund Campaign Report, dated 25 February (Appendix A) and a list of privileges for faculty emeritus (Appendix C). He announced Dr. Rydell will attend the 5 April meeting of the Senate to discuss student fees. He reminded chairs of Faculty Senate Committees to return the Student Leadership Opportunity Task Force questionaire to Marge Trout. The deadline was February 28.

After checking with Registrar, Chairperson Eidam found that ITEC 467 would be offered Spring 1995. This date is now reflected on the agenda's listing of proposed courses.

Chairperson Eidam indicated the following departments need to elect Senators and alternates for 1994-97 terms. Elections should be held between 1 April and 30 May 1994 in:

Art Educ. Foundation ITEC Biology Elem. Ed. Library Communication English Counseling Geography Election results should be reported to Secretary Schneller (x3069).

Student Senate

Student Senate President J. Haugh intruduced Senator Ed Koveski, who will also represent the Student Senate in the Faculty Senate. Haugh also gave out his e-mail address:

Administrative Officers

Dr. B. Taggie, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, said the Deans' Council would be discussing the questions of departmental g.p.a.s at their March 2 meeting.

Committee Reports


Senator C. McLeod introduced four cources under the three-meeting rule: BIOL 241 and BIOL 242, both non-General Education courses, and two new Perspectives courses PHIL 391 and PSYC 328. He placed the Physics Department's proposal for a new 3/2 Cooperative Engineering program with the University of Southern California (see Appendix D) on the 15 March agenda.

Academic Policies Committee

Senator R. Clark placed three motions on the agenda concerning academic amnesty and change and reuse of course numbers (see Appendix E and Appendix F). He called attention to the rationale of Motion 2 concerning course numbering (Appendix F) because of the motion's potential effect on the Registrar's use of course numbers.


Senator R. Wismer reported committee member Dr. J. McCade will attend a June 1994 institute on General Education at the University of North Carolina- Asheville. Dr. Michael Knight's schedule was reviewed at GERC's 22 February meeting and the schedule will be mailed across campus soon. All faculty are encouraged to attend his March 17-18 sessions. The committee continues its discussion of Perspective courses targetting: - identification of general and specific prerequisites for advance study courses - trends in interdisciplinary education - overall compliance with definitions of perspective course evidenced in available course syllabi.

Senator Wismer placed the committee's "Recommendation for General Education" (Appendix G) on the 15 March agenda.

Academic Theme

Senator J. Piperberg announced four themes have been received from Dr. S. Leela (ECON), Dr. D. Downey (HIST), the Pedagogy Committee, and the Student Senate. The Theme Committee will meet soon.

Honors Program

Senator S. Luek said the committee met February 18 and selected two students and two alternates for the SSHE Honors Program. HUMN 210: French Literature in Translation and PSCI 251: International Relations were approved as Honors courses.

International Studies Curriculum

Senator O. Iglsias reported the committee met 23 February and endorsed the recommendations of the program review subcommittee.

Graduate Program Review

Senator F. Erickson placed a proposal for M.Ed. in Technology Education (Appendix H) and a proposal for a change in required courses for the M.Ed. in Counselor Education (Appendix I) on the 15 March agenda.

Course Approvals

The following courses were approved without dissent: ANTH 324: Human Spatial Behavior; BIOL 264: Frontiers in Biomolecular Science I; BIOL 265: Frontiers in Biomolecular Science II; CSCI 360: Real Time Systems; and ANTH 344: Gender, Race and Class.

IX. Election of One-Year Representative to the GERC

Senator C. Stameshkin was elected to the one-year HUMN representative's seat on the committee. Her term ends May 1994.

The meeting adjourned on a Piperberg-Stine motion at 4:37 p.m.

The next meeting of the Faculty Senate is 15 March 1994 at 4:05 p.m. in Chryst Hall 210.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Schneller, Secretary

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