Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

3 March 1998

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | Graduate Student Org | President | Provost | Assoc. Provost for Acad. Admin | Assoc. Provost for Acad. Prog. & Serv.
...| Curricular Recommendations | Elections

Chairperson D. Eidam called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM in Chryst 210. All departments except Industry and Technology, Music, and Political Science were represented.


The minutes of the 17 February meeting were approved as distributed.



D. Eidam announced that he had notified the following departments that they must conduct elections for senator: Business Administration, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Health and Physical Education, Nursing, Physics, Psychology, Special Education.

Student Senate

Ryan Kunkel reported that student senate is preparing for the system-wide conference this spring. The allocation process is progressing.

Graduate Student Organization

Lori Ramp reported that the organization will prepare a newsletter, and will launch a promotion campaign to increase awareness.

Administrative Officers


President Caputo reported that the University Council of Trustees will hold its meeting on March 11. If the Board of Governors chooses not to approve a tuition increase, it could adversely affect the 98-99 budget process.


Provost McNairy reminded senators of the upcoming open house for Lyle Hall. Senators were encouraged to remind students to attend.

Vice-President Student Affairs

Vice President Thomas invited faculty to attend the workshop on alcohol abuse--to be held Friday, 3/5/98, 9-11 a.m. in Lehr dining hall presented by Dr. Richard Keeling.

The report on Greek life at Millersville will be distributed shortly.

Committee chair Richard Frerichs reported on the Faculty Student Athletic Committee.

Vice President Thomas highlighted three aspects of the report--
  1. semester academic standards were adopted
  2. academic support will be provided by J. Sciarretta
  3. procedures for advisors to assist athletes in eliminating class schedule conflicts

Associate Provost for Academic Administration

Dr. Stager requested clarification on course numbering, specifically, whether the __79 experimental number could be used for graduate courses. An upcoming business course that needs that number and is part of a new certificate program will be offered in the Fall. A Yelagotes/Piperberg motion was passed, referring the matter to the Graduate Committee.

Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Services

Dr. Roller announced that the report on enrollment will be available shortly. An invitation to attend a program on recruitment and retention of students of color will be issued soon. The acting director of Academic Advisement is Joy Garcia Tan. Dr. Betty Finney has assumed the duties of Mr. Gerry Burkhardt--dealing with students with learning disabilities.


Undergraduate Course and Program Review Committee

R. Wismer presented the following courses under the one meeting rule: J. Osborne requested that the Senate consider the advanced writing label for all Honors Senior Thesis courses.

Graduate Course and Program Review Committee

R. Kerper presented the following course under the one-meeting rule: R. Kerper placed a clarification of grading policy for the graduate program on the next meeting's agenda. See Attachment A.


Curricular Recommendations

The change in policy for completion of the Social Work major (the minimum GPA of 2.0 requirement prerequisite for SocWk 301) was approved.

EDUC 533: Nonfiction Literature and Literacy was approved.

Dr. Richard Frerichs will continue in the position of Chair of the Academic Policies committee.


Following a B. Nakhai/G. Yelagotes motion, E. Masicale, English, was elected as Humanities Representative to the General Education Review Committee.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.

William J. Dorman
Acting Secretary

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | Graduate Student Org | President | Provost | Assoc. Provost for Acad. Admin. | Assoc. Provost for Acad. Prog. & Serv.
... Curricular Recommendations | Elections

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