Millersville University, Faculty Senate



Meeting of the Faculty Senate
March 16, 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM in Chryst 2 10. All departments were represented except Business Administration, History, and Nursing.

Corrections to the Minutes of the 3/2/99 Meeting

The minutes were approved as amended.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Chairperson Piperberg encouraged all senators to attend the interviews for the candidates for Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics.

He announced that two proposals (see attachment) from the Academic Policies Committee would be considered for passage at the 4/6/99 meeting. Those proposals are to:

  1. limit the number of times a student may take the same course to three and
  2. establish a gradebook retention policy requiring faculty not on campus fora semester to leave their records from the previous semester with the department chair.

He announced that interviews for the position of Dean of Graduate Studies would be coming up shortly and that senators would be notified of the times scheduled for faculty senators to meet with the candidates.

Chairperson reminded the Senate that the election for the Chair of the Women's Studies Curriculum Comirùttee would be voted during the meeting.

Report of the Student Senate President No report.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization No report.

Reports of Administrative Officers

President Caputo The SSHE budget is in the approval process in Harrisburg. The Governor proposed a 2.5% increase, similar to the increase proposed for other state agencies. Additional lobbylng efforts on behalf of the Universities continue.

Provost McNairy Dr. McNairy expressed her sincere thanks to all participating faculty for their work on the recent admissions open house. She also encouraged all faculty members to participate in the hiring process for the positions of Dean of Graduate Studies and Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics.

Associate Provost Stager Following up on some concerns about the core curriculum and academic passport policy, Dr. Stager that core courses taken at other schools were acceptable only "wIth prior approval of a student's home institution."

Associate Provost Roller No report.

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chairperson R. Wismer presented the Senate with a proposal entitled Proposed Distance Learning Approval Process. The proposal will be voted on at the April 6 meeting.

He also presented one course, Physics 345, Symbolic Computationai Methods in Physics.

GCPRC Chairperson Kerper presented one course, EDTE 592, Teaching Technology in the Elementary School. It was also mentioned that the M. Ed. Core changes presented at the 3/16/99 meeting and to be voted on today would have an effective starting date of September 1999 instead of September 1998 as listed on the proposal.

Proposed Courses and Programs

A proposal to redefine the professional core of the M. Ed. degree was approved by the Senate.

Faculty Emeritus

The Senate passed a Kerper/Yelagotes motion recommending the title of Professor Emeritus for Dr. Anita H. Pflum.

The Senate passed an Anna/Luek motion recommending the title of Professor Emeritus for Dr. William H. Skelly.

Election of the Chairperson of the Women's Studies Curriculum Committee M. Warm-kessel nominated Dr. Beverly Schneller for the position of Chairperson of the Women's Studies Curriculum Comn-littee. The Senate approved the Stameshkin/Lynch motion to close the nominations and instruct the Secretary to cast a vote for Dr. Schneller.

General Education Objectives
The Senate resumed its review of the proposed objectives of the General Education Curriculum.

There was no discussion on Section 11, A, #7 under the Humanities and Fine Arts goals and it was approved.

Section Il, A, #8 underwent several editorial refinements. The final language for this goal was approved following a Glenn/Warmkessel motion and appears below:

A) Humanities and Fine Arts: At the completion of their generai education requirements, MU students will be able to:

8) discuss and apply critical and creative methods of the arts and humanities by:

  1. analyzing, critiquing, and defending their reasoned opinions concerning works of theater, literature, art, philosophy or music (American or international, contemporary or historical) and
  2. creating works of art and/or literature or responding to their aesthetic attributes.

Respectfully Submitted,

B. Dorman

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