Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Meeting of the Faculty Senate

19 October 1999

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. in SMC 161. All Departments were represented except Business Administration and Communications & Theater. Also present were Thomas Baker, President of the Student Senate, Jeri Potson, Vice President of the Student Senate and Brooke Goldman, student journalist.

The minutes of the meeting on October 5 were approved.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Chairperson Piperberg reported that Senator R. Kerper had asked that if the Senate wishes the Graduate Course and Program Review Committee to consider the Grade Book Retention policy it should request the committee to do so. Chairperson Piperberg proposed that this be added to the Agenda for consideration at the senate meeting on November 2.
  2. Chairperson Piperberg announced a meeting will be held to discuss the Self Study Draft on Thursday October 21 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Chryst 210. Comments on the draft are welcome. Chairperson Piperberg will contact senators should there be a change in venue.
  3. Chairperson Piperberg reminded senators that he would place on the November 2 meeting agenda consideration of the indefinite postponement of the implementation of Phase 11 of the General Education Revision Plan.
  4. Chairperson Piperberg announced that the November 2 meeting of the Senate will be held in Chryst 2 10 unless senators hear from him to the contrary.
  5. Chairperson Piperberg read into the minutes the names of the persons eligible to serve as chairperson of African-American Studies Minor Curriculum Committee. The names are: Dr. Carole Counihan (Anthropology), Dr. John Thornton (History), Dr. Tracey Weis (History), Dr. Beverly Skinner (English), Dr. Don Eidam (Mathematics), Dr. Margaret Tassia (Education - Early & EI.Ed.), Dr. Judy Wenrich (Education - Early & EI.Ed.), Dr. Cheryl Desmond (Education Foundations), and Dr. Chris Corley (Music).

Report of the Student Senate President

President Baker said that the dialogue on race was taking place October 19 in the Multipurpose Room, SMC. Activities for MU Pride Day include lunch, a concert, a pep rally and Pride Day Ball (October 27).

He said that the Student Senate had met with Linda Suskie about the Self Study and at the Student Senate meeting next week, they would meet with John Roscoe of Food Services.

Report of the Graduate Student Association --No report

Reports of Administrative Officers

Associate Provost Stager --No report

Acting Associate Provost Phillips Dr. Phillips distributed Distance Learning (DL) Course Approval Process information (see attachment).

Reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chairperson R. Wismer presented the following courses/changes:

Reports of Faculty Senate Special Committees None

Faculty Emeritus None

Proposed Courses and Programs The Faculty Senate approved the following proposals:

Elections On a R. Wismer/A. Borger-Greco motion, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot for the election of Tanya Kevorkian (History) to represent Social Sciences on the UCPRC; Robert Sayre (History) to serve on the General Education Review Committee and Fred Foster-Clark to serve as chairperson of the General Education Review Committee. An election was held to replace Dr. Foster-Clark who assumed the chairmanship of the General Education Review Committee. Nominees were Lillie West (ELED) and Elizabeth Thyrum (Psych).

Proposal to Consider Emeritus Status for Regular Part-time Faculty. A G. Yelagotes/S. Luek motion to grant Emeritus Status to regular part-time faculty was approved by the Senate.

Proposal to reconsider composition of the Academic Standards Committee On A D. Hutchens/K. Schreiber motion, the Senate decided to send the proposal back to the Committee to generate a model for changing the make-up of its membership.

Other/New Business J. Sciarretta referred to a question raised at an earlier meeting with regard to financial aid for dismissed students. Students who are dismissed upon their return to the university must take six credits before financial aid becomes available.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Jane Alden

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