Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
September 18, 2001

Chairperson Joel Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM in Chryst 210. All departments were represented.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Chairperson Piperberg declared that due to the delay in their distribution, the Minutes of the September 4 meeting will be approved at the next meeting, along with the Minutes of today's meeting. Announcements

(1) Chairperson Piperberg announced that Tom Bell had been elected to two Committees that meet at the same time. When asked which he preferred to serve on, Dr. Bell said that he wished to serve on UCPRC. The vacant seat was given to the other candidate for that seat Dr. James Valle. Dr. Debbie Sigel was elected to two Committees at the last meeting and resigned from the Faculty Student Athletic Committee leaving another open seat on that Committee. Currently, there are two nominees for those seats (Rich Frerichs & Dieter Ullrich). Another election is needed however, since one seat has a three-year term and the other a one-year term. Further nominees are welcome.

(2) The Provost has approved the proposal for changes in the Honors Program involving the deletion of the requirement for a minimum of 2 honors courses in each of the academic areas, (G1, G2, & G3).

Report of the Student Senate President

Student Senate President Danz reported that the 2000-2001 "Person of The Year" awards had been held and that pictures were presently on the wall of the SMC; he also reported that Student Senate has composed a "Resolution" condemning acts of terrorism. The President went on to thank all of those who participated in the Forum last Monday on terrorism.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President None.

Report of the Administrative Officers

President Caputo outlined the reasoning behind the University's response to the terrorist attacks on New York and the Washington, D. C. area. He said that the decision to continue classes provided a chance for students and faculty to discuss these events. The continuation of relatively normal activities and the opportunity for dialogue that it provided apparently helped both students and faculty begin to deal with these horrific events.

Provost McNairy said that the Counseling Center had been extremely supportive of students in distress. She went on to report that the first Fall Open House for high school students and their parents would be held on the September 29. She encouraged faculty and present MU students to attend as a strong show of support.

Dr. Phillips reported that the Academic Advisement Workshop was successful. She announced that there would be another workshop during which implementation and assessment strategies would be discussed at 4:30 PM (preceded by a 3:00 PM conversation) on October 4, 2001.

Dr. Stager reported that registration went smoothly and that enrollment was strong; 100 students above last year. He further reported that the new Add/Drop period would go into effect Spring 2002, at which time students would have one week only to add and/or drop courses.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Sepi Yalda from the University Theme Committee passed out that Committee's recommendation (see attachment) for the 2002 - 2003 University Theme. The proposed theme is "Crossing Boundaries: Decolonizing the Curriculum". The motion to name this theme as the 2002- 2003 University Theme passed without dissent.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

Chairperson Piperberg announced that there was now a Humanities Seat open on the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee and urged Senators to urge colleagues to accept nomination to the now-open seat. Jen Miller had to resign due to scheduling conflicts with the new meeting times this year.

Proposed Courses and Programs None.

Faculty Emeritus None.

Discussion of Cancellation of Classes Due to Weather

The Senate took up discussion of snow delays and cancellations. In order to facilitate a possible implementation by Spring 2002 for at least part of such a proposal, Senate decided to discuss the issue of one- and two-hour snow delays first; it was felt that this issue might lend itself to a simpler solution. Two models were proposed last Spring (see attachments to September 4, 2001 minutes). In one- and two-hour delays, the first and sometimes the second class of the day can be greatly impacted in semesters when the University experiences snow/weather delays, especially if there are delays on more than one day. Both attached proposals suggest models for taking time from a number of classes to make up the time that has been lost to the delay. In this way, a number of classes may lose 6 - 12 minutes instead of one or two classes being eliminated completely. The models have the potential to cause confusion, but once a model is decided upon discussion suggested that Senate members believe that sufficient publicity about the policy and availability of the delay schedule on the Website and perhaps in each semester's course registration roster might alleviate this problem somewhat. Rather than designate a specific model, a Fenwick/Wismer motion/resolution to ask the Administration to consider a delay schedule, using the two proposals as models, was passed.

Discussion continued on the issue of full snow days. Given the alternatives, the difficulties in solving this problem appear to be greater. After a preliminary exchange of ideas, discussion was suspended to allow time for elections.

The meeting adjounred at 5:25.

Respectfully submitted,

Jen Miller
Action Summary
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